Elenco schemi presenti
DMC BL105-57 - Holiday Train
DMC BL109-57 - Playing on the Swing
DMC BL156-57 - Wisteria
DMC BL159-57 - Fishing in The Lake
DMC BL432-57 - Let's have fun by the sea
DMC BL434-57 - Out to sea and far away
DMC BL581-57 - Country Side Sampler
DMC K738RU - Gazing out to Sea and Party Time
DMC K760 - bimbi con oche
DMC K761 - As Far As We Go
DMC K762 - On the Promenade
DMC K763 - Shell Seekers
DMC K764 - Summer Rain
DMC K765 - Flowers for Home
DMC K767 - Sandcastles
DMC K768 - Tippy Toes
DMC K887 - Yachting
DMC K888 - Red Ballon
DMC K889 - Skipping Together
DMC K891 - I See ships
DMC K892 - Raggety Ann
DMC K893 - Brothers
DMC K1441 - Secrets
DMC K1444 - Helter Skelter
DMC K1870 - It's All Hot Air
DMC K1874 - Swing Sampler
DMC K2089 - Looking out to Sea
DMC K2815 - It's in the post
DMC K2836 - Beach Stroll
DMC K2837 - The invitation
DMC K3204 - First kiss
DMC K3380 - View From The Gate
DMC K3400 - Follow the Leader
DMC K3701 - Celebration
DMC K3702 - Class on the Beach
DMC K3740 - Bedtime
DMC K3742 - altalena
DMC K3743 - On the Fence
DMC K3744 - Is It Raining
DMC K3778 - In the garden
DMC K4140 - Beefeater
DMC K4141 - Big Ben
DMC K4142 - Palace Guard
DMC K4926 - Circus Comes to Town
All Our Yesterdays - Cross Stitch Collection
Schemi senza codice
bimba con carrozzina
bimba con orsetto
bimbe in acqua
bimbi con l'ombrello
bimbi con l'ombrello 2
bimbi con poliziotto da cross stitcher marzo 2003
bimbi guardano il mare con il cane
bimbi in spiaggia
bimbi al mare
bimbi singoli
bimbo seduto con cane
cornice con alfabeto e bimbe con castello di sabbia
schemi catalogati fino al post 58
Per pubblicare nuovi schemi aggiungerli a questo post http://www.megghy.com/forum/f209/all...-aoy-7438.html
Ultima modifica di sharon; 06-06-2018 alle 08:32