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  1. #31
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    Crystal Palace Yarns
    knit mitered shawl - free shawl pattern

    Mochi Plus Mitered ShawlDesigned & Knit by Gail Tanquary
    See the matching Tam - Beret and 2 Way Vest, too

    Materials: 10 - 50 gr balls Crystal Palace Mochi Plus, 'autumn rainbow'#557
    Crystal Palace Bamboo Needles size 10: 12" Single Point & 55" circular
    2 ring markers

    Gauge: 16 sts = 4”
    Cable Cast On: Turn work and insert right needle between first 2 sts on left needle, pull up a loop, twist and place on left needle. Continue in this manner to required number of sts.
    [For illustrations put "how to cable cast on" in Google.]

    BO-bind off; beg - begin (ning), CO-cast on; Dec-decrease; inc- increase; K-knit; patt-pattern; PM - place maker; PU- pick up; P-purl; rep-repeat; RS-right side; St(s)-stitch (es); WS- wrong side

    Section #1 - CO 89 sts
    1- (wrong side) K 44, PM, K1, PM, K44
    2- Sl 1, K to 2 sts before marker, ssk, sl marker, K1, sl marker, K2 tog, K to end.
    3- Sl 1, P to end
    4- Repeat row 2
    5- Sl 1, K to center st, P1, K to end.
    Repeat rows 2-5 until 3 sts remain.
    End by working a right-side row.
    Turn, sl 1, P2 tog, psso.
    Fasten off.

    Section #2 - CO 44 sts, PM, CO 1 st, PM, with RS facing, PU and K 44 sts along right edge of section #1.
    Complete as for Section 1.

    Section #3 -
    PU and K 44 sts along left side of Section 1.
    PM, CO 1, PM, using cable cast-on method, CO 44 sts. Complete as for Section 1.

    Section #4 -
    Work as for Section 2, picking up sts along right side of Section 2.
    Section #5 -
    PU and K 44 sts along left side of Section 2, PM, PU 1 st at top of Section 1, PM, PU and K 44 sts along right side of Section 3. Complete as for Section #1.
    Section #6 -
    Work as for Section 3, PU sts along right side of Section 3.
    Section A:
    PU up and K as for Section 2.
    1- (WS) Sl 1, K to marker, sl marker, P1, sl marker, K to end.
    2- K2 tog, K to 2 sts before marker, ssk, sl marker, K1, sl marker, K2 tog, K to last 2 sts, K2 tog.
    3- Purl
    4- Repeat row 2
    5- K to center st, P1, K to end
    Repeat last 4 rows until 3 sts remain.
    End by working a RS row.
    Last row: sl 1, P2 tog, psso.
    Fasten off.
    This will flatten off the top of shawl.

    Sections B, C and D:
    Fill in the spaces between remaining sections in same manner.
    Edgings along V edges of shawl:
    1- Using 55" circular needle and with RS facing, begin at top edge, PU and K 44 sts along side of each section to point at bottom of shawl, PM on needle, PU 1 st in point, PM, PU 44 sts along side of each section to top of shawl.
    2- Knit
    3- Inc in first st, K to 1 st before marker, inc, sl marker, K1, sl marker, inc, K to last st, inc.
    4- Knit
    Repeat rows 3 and 4 once more.
    End by working a WS row.
    Bind off loosely (Use larger needle to bind off if needed to keep bind off loose.)

    Top straight border:
    PU and K 46 sts along each section at top of shawl and 3 sts across each side of border.
    Knit 3 rows. Bind off loosely.

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    Below shows the stole in full length.

    Mochi Plus Shell Lace Stole
    Designed & Knit by Barbara Breiter
    This beautiful lace shawl is knit in a wonderfully soft, slow striping Mochi Plus yarn. The rectangle design means no shaping so the simple lace pattern is easy to work and it is knit in the lengthwise direction.
    Prior to blocking: 67" wide x 20" long
    After blocking: 70" wide x 22" long
    3.5 sts=1" in St st
    Crystal Palace Bamboo 35" Circular Size 11 US (8 mm)
    8-50 gr balls Crystal Palace Yarns Mochi Plus #553 Violets Rainbow
    CO 238 sts.
    K 2 rows, slipping first st of every row.
    Begin pattern Rows 1-12 below, slipping first st, k the next two sts, work pattern to last 3 sts, k3 every row.
    Row 1 (WS) and all WS Rows: Purl.
    Row 2: K2tog, *k5, yo, k1, yo, k2, sl 1, k2tog, psso; rep from *, end last repeat ssk instead of sl 1, k2tog, psso.
    Row 4: K2tog, *k4, yo, k3, yo, k1, sl 1, k2tog, psso; rep from *, end last repeat ssk instead of sl 1, k2tog, psso.
    Row 6: K2tog, *k3, yo, k5, yo, sl 1, k2tog, psso; rep from *, end last repeat ssk instead of sl 1, k2tog, psso.
    Row 8: K2tog, *k2, yo, k1, yo, k5, sl 1, k2tog, psso; rep from *, end last repeat ssk instead of sl 1, k2tog, psso.
    Row 10: K2tog, *k1, yo, k3, yo, k4, sl 1, k2tog, psso; rep from *, end last repeat ssk instead of sl 1, k2tog, psso.
    Row 12: K2tog, * yo, k5, yo, k3, sl 1, k2tog, psso; rep from *, end last repeat ssk instead of sl 1, k2tog, psso.
    Rep Rows 1-12 6 more times; stole should measure about 20" long.
    P 2 rows.
    BO knitwise loosely.

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    Crystal Palace Yarns For intermediate knitters
    Mochi Plus Fan Shawl

    designed and Knit by Gail Tanquary for Crystal Palace Yarns.
    10 - 50 gr balls Crystal Palace Mochi Plus
    here in color #563 - tropical ginger
    Crystal Palace Bamboo circular Size 10 – 35”
    Crystal Palace Bamboo circular Size 9 – 35”

    MODULE 1:
    CO 50 sts with size 10 needle.
    1 (wrong side) Knit
    2 Knit
    3 Purl
    4 K1, *K2 tog, yo* to last st, K1.
    5 Purl
    6 K1, *yo, K2tog* to last st K1.
    7 Purl
    8 K5, *K2 tog* to last 5 sts, K5.
    9 Knit
    10 - 12 Knit
    13 Purl
    14 Repeat row 4
    15 Purl
    16 Repeat row 6
    17 Purl
    18 K5, *K2 tog* to last 5 sts, K5. (20sts)
    19-20 Knit
    21 Purl
    22 K2, *K2 tog* to last 2 sts, K2. (12 sts)
    23 Purl
    24 K1, *K2 tog* to last st, K1. (7 sts)
    25 Purl
    26 K1, *K2 tog* to end. (4 sts)
    27 Purl
    28 K 2 tog twice. (2 sts).
    29 Purl 2 tog. Fasten off.

    MODULE 2: CO 25 sts, with right side facing, pick up and knit 25 sts along right side of module 1. Complete as for module 1.
    MODULE 3: Pick up and knit 25 sts along left side of module 1. Turn and using cable cast on, CO 25 sts. Complete as for module 1.
    Continue adding modules as shown in drawing below.

    HALF MODULES at top of shawl:

    Cast on 25 sts, pick up and knit 25 sts along left side of module at right edge of shawl.
    1 Knit
    2 K1, K2 tog, K to last 3 sts, K2 tog, K1.
    3 Purl
    4 K1, K2 tog, K1, *K2 tog, yo* to last 4 sts, K1, K2 tog, K1.
    5 Purl
    6 K1, K2 tog, K1, *yo, K2 tog* to last 4 sts, K1, K2 tog, K1.
    7 Purl
    8 K1, K2 tog, K3, *K2 tog* to last 6 sts, K3, K2 tog, K1.
    9 Knit
    10 K1, K2 tog, K to last 3 sts, K2 tog, K1.
    11 Knit
    12 K1, K2 tog, *yo, K2 tog* to last 3 sts, K2 tog, K1. (22 sts)
    13 Purl
    14 K1, K2 tog, *K2 tog, yo* to last 3 sts, K2 tog, K1. (20 sts)
    15 Purl
    16 K1, K2tog, K1, *K2 tog* to last 4 sts, K1, K2 tog, K1. (12 sts)
    17 Purl
    18 K1, K2 tog, K to last 3 sts, K2 tog, K1. (10 sts)
    19 Purl

    Place remaining 10 sts on string, using it as a stitch holder.
    Repeat the half motif across top of shawl, picking up sts as for full motifs.

    Using size #9 circular needle, with right right side facing, pick up and knit 14 sts across top of fan, knit across 10 sts on holder, pick up and knit 14 sts across remaining half of fan (38 sts across top of each section).
    Repeat across all fans. Knit 5 rows garter stitch. Change to size 10 needle to bind off loosely.

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    knit hat - free pattern for Mochi Plus

    Below is a side view to show the diagonal pattern.

    See More
    Mochi Plus free Patterns
    Mochi Plus Diagonal Stitch Tam
    Designed & Knit by Laura Andersson,
    CPY “Sock Guru” and Sirius Knitting Publications

    Inspiration: My significant other has asked me for a beret for absolutely years. I’ve finally made one that fits the bill – with a little extra fullness for floppy variations, and a tight band.
    2 - 50 gm balls Mochi Plus, #558, Neptune rainbow
    Crystal Palace Bamboo needles, 16" circular & dpn in sizes US 7
    Gauge: 5.25 sts per inch (21 sts/10 cm) over St st on #7 US ndl.

    Size: adult medium-large (head circumference ~21.5-23 in)
    CO- cast on;
    dpn- double pointed needles;
    K- Knit;
    K2tog- knit 2 sts together;
    LT– Left Twist (K 2nd st on left ndl; do not remove; K 1st st on left ndl, and remove both sts. Twist made);
    M1- Make one stitch (by picking up bar between sts & placing on left needle); P- Purl;
    PSSO- pass slip st over;
    rep- repeat;
    rnd(s)- round(s);
    St st- stockinette stitch;
    st(s)- stitch(es);
    tog- together
    YO- yarn over;

    Cast on:
    With circular needle, CO 96 sts. Join, being careful not to twist. Place marker. Work in K1P1 rib for ~1.25 in.
    Inc Rnds:
    Inc rnd 1: *(K2, M1), around.
    Inc rnd 2: *(K3, M1), around. Final st count should be 192.
    Diagonal St Motif:
    Rnd 1: *(P2, LT, P2, K6), rep around. Rnd 2: *(K1, P2, LT, P2, K5), rep around.
    Rnd 3: *(K2, P2, LT, P2, K4), rep around. Rnd 4: *(K3, P2, LT, P2, K3), rep around.
    Rnd 5: *(K4, P2, LT, P2, K2), rep around. Rnd 6: *(K5, P2, LT, P2, K1), rep around
    Rnd 7: *(K6, P2, LT, P2), rep around. Rnd 8: *(P1, K6, P2, LT, P1), rep around
    Rnd 9: *(P2, K6, P2, LT), rep around. Rnd 10: *(LT, P2, K6, P2), rep around.
    Rnd 11: *(P1, LT, P2, K6, P1), rep around.
    Rep these 11 rows for pattern until hat is ~4.25 in from CO.
    Crown Shaping:
    Notes: [1] change to dpn when insufficient sts rem. to continue on circ ndl.
    [2] Add an extra or special marker to your EOR marker so you won’t confuse it with others.
    Set-up rnd: *(K24, place marker (PM)), rep around.
    Dec rnd 1: *(K2tog, K20, K2tog) around. K 3 rnds.
    Dec rnd 2: *(K2tog, K18, K2tog), around; K 3 rnds.
    Dec rnd 3: *(K2tog, K16, K2tog), around; K 3 rnds.
    Dec rnd 4: *(K2tog, K14, K2tog), around. K 2 rnds
    Dec rnd 5: *(K2tog, K12, K2tog), around. K 2 rnds
    Dec rnd 6: *(K2tog, K10, K2tog), around. K 2 rnds
    Dec rnd 7: *(K2tog, K8, K2tog), around. K 2 rnds
    Dec rnd 8: *(K2tog, K6, K2tog) around. K 2 rnds.
    Dec rnd 9: *(K2tog, K4, K2tog) around. K 2 rnds.
    Dec rnd 10: *(K2tog, K2, K2tog) around. K 2 rnds.
    Dec rnd 11: *(K2tog) around. K 1 rnd. Rep rnd 11.
    Finishing: Cut yarn leaving a long, ~20 in end. With crochet hook (tapestry ndl) work yarn through each st, and slide off ndl. Pull tautly. Now work the end again through each of the sts to secure firmly. Bring end to center, and make a loop. With crochet hook, make a single crochet chain of ~12-15 sts. Fasten chain to a centre top st and pull end to inside. This tiny “nub” at the top of the hat is useful to shift the beret to the appropriate angle for wear. Work in all ends.
    Try a crochet hook for this - no need to thread needle & is fast.
    Final Shaping: wet block hat. Gently rinse hat in lukewarm water, roll in towel to remove excess moisture – do not wring! Take a round dinner plate of ~9-10 in diameter and place damp hat onto the plate. Do this carefully, centering the top of hat, as you don’t want to form a ‘crooked’ crease. Allow hat to dry

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    Crystal Palace Yarns For intermediate knitters
    Panda Silk DK Fan Shawl

    designed and Knit by Gail Tanquary for Crystal Palace Yarns.
    7 - 50 gr balls Crystal Palace Panda Silk DK
    [note: the model shawl used exactly 6 balls of Panda Silk DK, but we recommend getting 7 balls to be sure to have enough.]
    Crystal Palace Bamboo circular Size 6 – 26”
    Crystal Palace Bamboo circular Size 5 – 35”

    Size: 24 x 58”
    (Note: To make the shawl 9” wider, add one more row of fans before finishing. This will require 2 additional skeins of yarn). This shawl is knitted in the modular fashion. See the layout diagram at the bottom of this page.

    MODULE 1:(edits in rows 10-13 made 9/28/09)
    CO 50 sts using #6 needle
    1 (wrong side) Knit
    2 Knit
    3 Purl
    4 K1, *K2 tog, yo* to last st, K1.
    5 Purl
    6 K1, *yo, K2tog* to last st K1.
    7 Purl
    8 K5, *K2 tog* to last 5 sts, K5.
    9 Knit
    10 - 12 Knit
    13 Purl
    14 Repeat row 4
    15 Purl
    16 Repeat row 6
    17 Purl
    18 K5, *K2 tog* to last 5 sts, K5. (20sts)
    19-20 Knit
    21 Purl
    22 K2, *K2 tog* to last 2 sts, K2. (12 sts)
    23 Purl
    24 K1, *K2 tog* to last st, K1. (7 sts)
    25 Purl
    26 K1, *K2 tog* to end. (4 sts)
    27 Purl
    28 K 2 tog twice. (2 sts).
    29 Purl 2 tog. Fasten off.

    MODULE 2: CO 25 sts, with right side facing, pick up and knit 25 sts along right side of module 1. Complete as for module 1.
    MODULE 3: Pick up and knit 25 sts along left side of module 1. Turn and using cable cast on, CO 25 sts. Complete as for module 1.
    Continue adding modules as shown in drawing below.

    HALF MODULES at top of shawl:

    Cast on 25 sts, pick up and knit 25 sts along left side of module at right edge of shawl.
    1 Knit
    2 K1, K2 tog, K to last 3 sts, K2 tog, K1.
    3 Purl
    4 K1, K2 tog, K1, *K2 tog, yo* to last 4 sts, K1, K2 tog, K1.
    5 Purl
    6 K1, K2 tog, K1, *yo, K2 tog* to last 4 sts, K1, K2 tog, K1.
    7 Purl
    8 K1, K2 tog, K3, *K2 tog* to last 6 sts, K3, K2 tog, K1.
    9 Knit
    10 K1, K2 tog, K to last 3 sts, K2 tog, K1.
    11 Knit
    12 K1, K2 tog, *yo, K2 tog* to last 3 sts, K2 tog, K1. (22 sts)
    13 Purl
    14 K1, K2 tog, *K2 tog, yo* to last 3 sts, K2 tog, K1. (20 sts)
    15 Purl
    16 K1, K2tog, K1, *K2 tog* to last 4 sts, K1, K2 tog, K1. (12 sts)
    17 Purl
    18 K1, K2 tog, K to last 3 sts, K2 tog, K1. (10 sts)
    19 Purl

    Place remaining 10 sts on string, using it as a stitch holder.
    Repeat the half motif across top of shawl, picking up sts as for full motifs.

    Using size #5 circular needle, with right side facing, pick up and knit 14 sts across top of fan, knit across 10 sts on holder, pick up and knit 14 sts across remaining half of fan (38 sts across top of each section).
    Repeat across all fans. Knit 5 rows garter stitch. Bind off loosely (using size 6 needle for bind off is recommended to help keep it loose).

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    Panda Silk DK
    Mother of Pearl Scarf

    Crystal Palace Yarns
    free knit Panda Silk DK scarf pattern
    Mother of Pearl Scarf
    by Grumperina for Crystal Palace Yarns
    The Mother of Pearl scarf is so named for two reasons: first, the bamboo content of Panda Silk DK creates a shimmery fabric, reminiscent of nacre, or mother of pearl. Second, the stitch patterns used in the scarf resemble mollusk shells: clams and scallops in the center panel, oysters and mussels along the edges.
    This scarf explores motifs with fluctuating stitch counts. The hand and flow of the fabric is transformed when increases and decreases aren’t paired, resulting in a wonderful three-dimensional landscape. Thoughtful placement of knit and purl stitches further raises the “shells” from the background, creating a sense of embossment. In addition, the number of knits and purls is balanced: the scarf does not curl after light blocking, and the wrong side looks neat and orderly.
    Panda Silk DK makes the perfect spring scarf: light and soft, but with enough wool content for the unavoidable April snowstorm.
    Difficulty level: experienced
    1. Yarn: Crystal Palace Panda Silk DK, 52% Bamboo; 43% Merino Wool; 5% Silk; 120 yds/50 grams; 5 balls #2510 frosted rosewater.
    2. Crystal Palace Bamboo Needles: US 8 (5.0 mm) and US 6 (4.0 mm).
    3. Crochet hook: US G-6/4.0 mm.
    4. Darning needle.
    Gauge: using US 6 (4.0 mm) needles and after blocking, 20 sts and 27 rows per 4” square in Mother of Pearl pattern.
    Finished size: after blocking, 10.5” wide and 70” long.
    CO: cast on; BO: bind off; RS: right side; WS: wrong side; st(s): stitch(es); k: knit; p: purl; k2tog: knit 2 stitches together; p2tog: purl 2 stitches together; SSK: slip, slip, knit these 2 stitches together; yo: yarn over; sl 1: slip 1 stitch; kwise: knitwise; pwise: purlwise; wyib: with yarn in back; wyif: with yarn in front; dec: decrease; PSSO: pass slipped st(s) over; rep: repeat.
    Stitch Glossary:
    1. p1 elongated: p1 st wrapping yarn twice; drop extra wrap from needle on next row.
    2. from 1 st make 5: k1, yo, k1, yo, k1 in 1 st.
    3. dec 5 sts to 1: sl 3 sts individually kwise, k2tog, PSSO.
    Using a US 8 (5.0 mm) needle, CO 49 sts. Switch to a US 6 (4.0 mm) needle.
    (Optional: work a set-up row if you need a return row - Row 12 of Mother of Pearl Scarf chart.)
    Start Mother of Pearl Scarf chart, and work until scarf measures 70” or desired length, ending with row 11. BO all sts as follows: using a US 8 (5.0 mm) needle, sl 1 pwise wyif, *p1, pass first st over second st, rep from * until 2 sts remain; p2tog, pass first st over second st.
    Do not cut yarn.
    Using a 4.0 mm crochet hook, finish with single crochet along cast-on and bind-off edges.
    Weave in ends and block lightly.
    Mother of Pearl Chart in PDF format is HERE.
    Ultima modifica di Nick-name; 21-03-2011 alle 00:02 Motivo: sistemato foto

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    Crystal Palace Yarns
    free knit mitten pattern

    Below is a Child's version
    in color #103 'violets'

    See Links to More
    Mini Mochi Patterns

    Click here
    Mini Mochi Springy Ring Mittens
    sized for adults & children

    Designed and Knit by Cathy Campbell for Crystal Palace Yarns

    Description: These simple mittens have a horizontal ribbed cuff, thumb gusset, and easy top decrease.
    Level: Beginner
    1 (2, 2, 2) – 50g balls of Crystal Palace Yarns Mini Mochi (shown in color 101 - 'Intense' in Women’s size M & below in color 103 - 'Violets' )
    US size 2 Crystal Palace Bamboo double-pointed needles (or size needed to obtain gauge)
    Yarn needle

    Gauge: 7½ sts=1” in St st
    Size:Child’s M (Child’s L/Women’s S, Women’s M, Women’s L)
    Hand Circumference: 6¾ (7½, 8, 8½)”
    Note: the changing colors in Mini Mochi are formed by dyeing the fiber before spinning and the colors will not appear at the same spacing in all balls of yarn. For this reason any pairs of mittens you make will be "fraternal" twins and usually not "identical" twins.
    Abbreviations: CO- cast on; dec- decrease; dpn- double pointed needle; inc- increase; k- Knit; k2tog- knit 2 sts together; m1- make 1 st by pulling band between st just knitted and next st, slipping it onto left needle and knitting through the back loop; p- Purl; rep- repeat; sl- slip; St st - stockinette stitch; rnd(s)- round(s); st(s)- stitch(es)
    Instructions: (Make 2)
    CO 44 (48, 52, 56) sts and begin working in the round.
    Knit 8 (10, 10, 10) rnds.

    Purl 5 (6, 6, 6) rnds
    Knit 5 (6, 6, 6) rnds
    Repeat 3 (4, 4, 4) more times. Purl 5 (6, 6, 6) more rnds.

    Knit 1 (2, 2, 2) rnds.
    Inc Rnd: *k10 (11, 12, 13) m1, k1; rep from * to end of rnd [48 (52, 56, 60) sts]
    Knit 1 rnd.
    Inc Rnd: *k23 (12, 13, 14) m1, k1; rep from * to end of rnd [50 (56, 60, 64) sts]

    Begin Thumb Gusset:

    Inc Rnd: K1, m1, k2, m1, k to end of rnd.
    Work 1 rnd even.
    Inc Rnd: K1, m1, k4, m1, k to end of rnd.
    Work 1 rnd even.
    Inc Rnd: K1, m1, k6, m1, k to end of rnd.
    Work 1 rnd even.
    Continue increasing in this manner until you have 18 (20, 22, 24) sts between the increase sts. Work 1 rnd even.

    Next Rnd:
    K2. With yarn needle, sl 18 (20, 22, 24) sts for thumb onto scrap yarn and hold away from work. (These sts will be worked later.) K to end of rnd.
    Next Rnd:
    k, keeping thumb sts away and closing the gap.
    Work even in St st until hand measures 4½ (5, 5½, 6)” [or 1¼ (1¼, 1½, 1¼)” before desired mitten length].

    Begin Top Decrease:
    Dec Rnd: *k8 (6, 8, 6), k2tog; rep from * to end of rnd
    Work 1 (2, 2, 2) rnds even.
    Dec Rnd: *k7 (5, 7, 5), k2tog; rep from * to end of rnd
    Work 1 rnd even.
    Dec Rnd: *k6 (4, 6, 4), k2tog; rep from * to end of rnd
    Work 1 rnd even.
    Dec Rnd: *k5 (3, 5, 3), k2tog; rep from * to end of rnd
    Work 0 (1, 1, 1) rnd even
    Dec Rnd: *k4 (2, 4, 2), k2tog; rep from * to end of rnd
    Dec Rnd: *k3 (1, 3, 1), k2tog; rep from * to end of rnd
    Dec Rnd: *k2 (0, 2, 0), k2tog; rep from * to end of rnd
    Dec Rnd: *k1 (0, 1, 0), k0 (2,0)tog; rep from * to end of rnd
    Dec Rnd: *k2 (0, 2, 0)tog; rep from * to end of rnd

    Cut yarn. Thread needle with yarn end and draw through rem sts.
    Finishing the Thumb:
    (Note: If possible, join the yarn at a similar color to the sts on the contrasting yarn to continue gradation effect.)
    Sl thumb sts onto three dpn’s and pull out scrap yarn. Pick up 2 sts at sides of gap. [20 (22, 24, 26) sts]. Work in the rnd in St st for 1 (1, 1¼, 1½)”.

    For Child’s M: Go to first Dec Rnd.
    For Child’s L/Women’s S & Women’s L: *k9 (11), k2tog; rep from * to end of rnd

    For Women’s M:
    For all Sizes:
    Dec Rnd: *k2, k2tog; rep from * to end of rnd
    Work 0 (1, 1, 1) rnd even.
    Dec Rnd: *k1, k2tog; rep from * to end of rnd
    Work 0 (1, 1, 1) rnd even.
    Dec Rnd: *k2tog; rep from * to end of rnd

    Cut yarn. Thread needle with yarn end and draw through rem sts.
    Weave in all ends.

    free one ball knit hat pattern

    See Links to More
    Mini Mochi Patterns

    Click here

    Mini Mochi Rainbow Hat

    Designed and Knit by Laura Andersson, CPY “Sock Guru” and Sirius Knitting Publications For Crystal Palace Yarns

    Matching Mittens Pattern, Click here.
    Uses Just One Ball of Mini Mochi
    1 – 50g ball of Crystal Palace Yarns Mini Mochi (shown in color 101 - 'Intense')
    Inspiration: Rainbows make me smile – a promise of Joy.
    Crystal Palace Mini-Mochi, 1 ball of #101, Intense Rainbow.
    Crystal Palace Bamboo Circular Needle
    size 4; & DPN-double-pointed needles size 4 for hat crown (or size required for gauge).
    [edited august 2010 to smaller needle size from original pattern]

    Large eyed tapestry needle or crochet hook

    Gauge: 6 sts per inch (24 sts/10 cm), over St st using larger needles. [for larger head, use one size larger needles]
    Size: woman’s/man’s large (22.5 in circumference)
    Abbreviations: beg- beginning; CO- cast on; dpn- double pointed needles; K- Knit; K2tog - knit 2 sts together; ndl- needle; P- Purl; PM- place maker; rep - repeat; sl1- slip one; St st - stockinette stitch; YO - yarn over; PSSO - pass slip st over; rnd(s) - round(s); st(s)- stitch(es); tog - together. Inc 1 by Kf/Kb of same st.
    Cast on 136 sts. Join, being careful not to twist. PM to mark end/beginning of rnd.
    1. K 2 rnds; P 3 rnds. Repeat 6 times.
    2. Work one rnd K2P2 rib; M1, placing on left needle. Turn cap inside out, and work K2P2 rib. When you come to the last two sts (including the M1) knit together to close hole from turning.

    Work K2P2 rib for ¾ in.
    3. Work P2K2 rib for ¾ in.
    4. Work ¾ in double moss: *(K2P2 one rnd, P2K2 next rnd), repeat for ¾ in.
    5. Mini-lace:
    a) *(K1, YO, K2tog); repeat around. K1 rnd.
    b) *(K2tog, YO, K1); repeat around. K1 rnd.
    c) *(YO, K1, K2tog); repeat around. K1 rnd.
    Repeat these 6 rnds once more.
    6. *(K3, P1), around for ¾ in.
    When hat is ~6 in. from cast on edge (or desired height), begin crown pattern.

    Crown: change to dpn when it becomes difficult to work with circs
    Dec rnd 1: *(P6, K2tog), around. *(P6, K1) around for 4 rnds.
    Dec rnd 2: *(P5, K2tog), around. *(P5, K1) around for 4 rnds.
    Dec rnd 3: *(P4, K2tog), around. *(P4, K1) around for 4 rnds.
    Dec rnd 4: *(P3, K2tog), around. *(P3, K1) around for 3 rnds.
    Dec rnd 5: *(P2, K2tog) around. *(P2, K2tog) around for 2 rnd.
    Dec rnd 6: *(P1, K2tog) around. *(P1K1) around.
    Now P2tog until only ~4 sts remain.
    Cut yarn leaving an ~8 in end.

    Finishing: With crochet hook, pull yarn through each of rem sts, and drop off needle one at a time. Pull tautly and bring end into inside.
    Try a crochet hook for this - no need to thread needle & is very fast

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    The Collar Stole
    21 inches x 68 inches
    Materials Required:
    22 oz. Dk. Violet or any color of your choice
    1 pr. knitting needles No. 7
    Gauge: 9 sts = 1 1/2 inches; 10 rows = 1 1/2 inches
    Cast on 123 stitches (sts), work in pattern as follows:
    1st Row: Knit (K) 3, *Purl (P) 3, K 3, repeat from * across row.
    2nd Row: K 3, K 3 together (tog), * P 3, K 3 tog, repeat from * across row ending with K 3.
    3rd Row: * K 3, yarn over (y o), slip (sl) the next st as if to P, repeat from * across row ending with K 3.
    4th Row: K 3, * insert needle through next st and y o and K 1, y o, K 1 in same st, sl both y o and st off needle (3 sts made), P 3, repeat from * across row, ending last repeat with K 3.
    5th Row: K 3, * P 3, K 3, Repeat from * across row.
    6th Row: K 6, P 3, * K 3, P 3, repeat from * across row ending with K 6.
    7th Row: K 3, P 3, * K 3 tog, P 3, repeat from * across row, ending with K 3.
    8th Row: K 6, * y o, sl 1, K 3, repeat from * across row ending last repeat with K 6.
    9th Row: K 3, P 3, * insert needle through next st and y o, K 1, y o, K 1 in same st, drop both y o and st off needle, P 3, repeat from * across row ending with K 3.
    10th Row: Same as 6th row.
    11th Row: Same as 5th row.
    Repeat from 2nd through 11th row until stole measures 66 inches from beginning ending with 5th row of pattern, bind off in pattern. Block to measurement.
    Collar: Cast on 141 sts, K 3, * P 3, K 3, repeat from * across row. Repeat from 2nd through 11th row same as on stole 5 times.
    Next 5 rows: K across each row. Bind off. This is outside edge of collar. Fold collar in half and place a pin at inside edge. Fold stole in half and place a pin. Sew collar to stole matching pins.



    Ultima modifica di Nick-name; 12-01-2011 alle 11:44

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