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Discussione: Pokemon amigurumi

  1. #1
    L'avatar di Lo Staff
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    Anteprime Allegate Anteprime Allegate Pokemon amigurumi-picachu-jpg  
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  2. #2
    L'avatar di Lo Staff
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    Predefinito Pokemon

    Baby Bulbasaur

    (Size F hook for all parts)


    -Magic ring: 6
    -Inc around (12)
    -[Sc, inc] around (18)
    -[Sc 2, inc] around (24)
    -[Sc 3, inc] around (30)
    -[Sc 4, inc] around (36)
    -Sc around 5 times (36)
    -Sc 8, inc, sc, inc, sc 14, inc, sc, inc, sc 8 (40)
    -Sc around (40)
    -Sc 11, inc, sc 6, inc, sc 2, inc, sc 6, inc, sc 11 (44)
    -Sc around (44)
    -Sc 11, dec, sc 18, dec, sc 11 (42)
    -Sc 5, dec, sc 5, dec, sc 4, dec, 2, dec, sc 4, dec, sc 5, dec, sc 5 (36)
    -[Sc 4, dec] around (30)
    -[Sc 3, dec] around (24)
    -[Sc 2, dec] around (18)
    -[Sc, dec] around (12)
    -Dec around (6)

    Note: The FO point should be approximately in the midline of the back of his head. Yes, it sort of matters because he should have subtle cheeks and a slight nose bulge. Knowing where you are will help you stuff "strategically".



    -Magic ring: 6
    -Inc around (12)
    -[Sc, inc] around (18)
    -Sc 2, inc, sc 2, inc, sc, inc, sc 2, inc, sc, inc, sc 2, inc, sc 2 (24)
    -Sc 2, inc, sc 2, inc, sc 2, inc, sc, inc, sc 2, inc, sc, inc, sc 2, inc, sc 2, inc, sc 2 (32)
    -Sc around x5 (32)
    -Sc 7, inc, sc 6, inc, sc 2, inc, sc 6, inc, sc 7 (36)
    -Sc around 2 times (36)
    -4, dec, sc 4, dec, sc 3, dec, sc 2, dec, sc 3, dec, sc 4, dec, sc 4 (30)
    -Sc around 4 times (30)
    -Sc 4, dec, sc 4, dec, sc 2, dec, sc 2, dec, sc 4, dec, sc 4 (25)
    -Sc around (25)

    (The FO point should be approximately in the midline of the underside of his body)



    -Magic ring: 6
    -Inc around (12)
    -Sc around (12)
    -Sc 3, inc, sc 4, inc, sc 3 (14)
    -Sc around (14)
    -Sc 4, inc, sc 4, inc, sc 4 (16)
    -Sc 4, inc, sc 6, inc, sc 4 (18)
    -Sc around (18)
    -Sc 5, inc, sc 6, inc, sc 5 (20)

    (The FO point should be in the midline of the underside of the arm.)



    -Magic ring: 6
    -Inc around (12)
    -[Sc, inc] around (18)
    -[Sc 5, inc] around (21)
    -Sc 5, dec, sc 2, dec, sc 3, dec, sc 5 (18)
    -[Sc 4, dec] around (15)
    -Sc 13, dec (14)
    -Sc 3, inc, sc 2, inc, sc 2, inc, sc 4 (17)
    -Inc, sc 4, inc, sc 3, inc, sc 2, inc, sc 4 (21)
    -[Sc 6, inc] around (24)
    -Sc 8

    (His feet should be feet shaped so make sure to keep that in mind when attaching and stuffing!)



    -Magic ring: 4
    -[Sc, inc] around (6)
    -[Sc, inc] around (9)
    -[Sc 2, inc] around (12)
    -[Sc 3, inc] around (15)
    -Sc 4, incx2, sc 6, inc, sc 2 (18)
    -Sc around (18)


    Bulb: (requires 2 steps)

    Step 1:

    -Magic ring: 6
    -Inc around (12)
    -[Sc, inc] around (18)
    -[Sc 2, inc] around (24)
    -Sc around (24)
    -[Sc 3, inc] around (30)
    -[Sc 4, inc] around (36)
    -Sc around 3 times (36)
    -[Sc 5, inc] around (42)
    -[Sc 6, inc] around (48)
    -[Sc 7, inc] around (54)
    -Sc around 2 times (54)
    -[Sc 7, dec] around (48)
    -[Sc 6, dec] around (42)
    -[Sc 5, dec] around (36)
    -[Sc 4, dec] around (30)
    -[Sc 3, dec] around (24)
    -[Sc 6, dec] around (21)
    -[Sc 5, dec] around (18)
    -[Sc 4, dec] around (15)
    -[Sc 3, dec] around (12)<--This round is used in step 2
    -Dec around in inner loops only (6)
    -FO (Sew opening shut but avoid touching the outer loops that will be used in Step 2)

    Step 2: (This step is for the leaves at the top of the bulb. Holding the bulb upside down, work in the outer loops of the second to last row from Step 1)

    -Sc around (12)
    -[Sl st, hdc inc] around (18) <--This step makes the leaves at the top of the bulb wavy

    Note: After attaching the bulb to the body, I stretched yarn over the surface to divide it into 6 segments. I chose to use 2 strands of yarn twisted together so it would be more stable, but whatever works!
    Anteprime Allegate Anteprime Allegate Pokemon amigurumi-baby_bulbasaur-jpg  

  3. #3
    L'avatar di Lo Staff
    Lo Staff è offline Moderatrice
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    Predefinito Pokemon

    Baby Squirtle

    (Size F hook for all parts)


    1. Magic ring: 6
    2. Inc around (12)
    3. [Sc, inc] around (18)
    4. [Sc 2, inc] around (24)
    5. [Sc 3, inc] around (30)
    6. [Sc 4, inc] around (36)
    7-11. Sc around 5 times (36)
    12. Sc 8, inc, sc, inc, sc 14, inc, sc, inc, sc 8 (40)
    13. Sc around (40)
    14. Sc 11, inc, sc 6, inc, sc 2, inc, sc 6, inc, sc 11 (44)
    15. Sc around (44)
    16. Sc 11, dec, sc 18, dec, sc 11 (42)
    17. Sc 5, dec, sc 5, dec, sc 4, dec, 2, dec, sc 4, dec, sc 5, dec, sc 5 (36)
    18. [Sc 4, dec] around (30)
    19. [Sc 3, dec] around (24)
    20. [Sc 2, dec] around (18)
    21. [Sc, dec] around (12)
    23. Dec around (6)
    24. FO

    Note: The FO point should be approximately in the midline of the back of his head. Yes, it sort of matters because he should have subtle cheeks and a slight nose bulge. Knowing where you are will help you stuff "strategically".



    1. Magic ring: 6
    2. Inc around (12)
    3. [Sc, inc] around (18)
    4. [Sc 2, inc] around (24)
    5. [Sc 3, inc] around (30)
    6. Sc around (30)
    7. [Sc 4, inc] around (36)
    8. [Sc 5, inc] around (42)
    9. [Sc 6, inc] around (48)
    10. Sc around (48)
    11. [Sc 5, inc] around (56)
    12-15. Sc around 4 times (56)
    Change to yellow
    16-17. Sc around 2 times (56)
    18. [Sc 5, dec] around (48)
    19. [Sc 4, dec] around (40)
    20. [Sc 3, dec] around (32)
    21. [Sc 2, dec] around (24)
    22. [Sc 2, dec] around (18)
    23. [Sc, dec] around (12)
    24. Dec around (6)
    25. FO



    **For optional fingers, include puff stitches. Otherwise, ignore the slip stitches and puff stitches and just do single crochet stitches.

    Puff stitch:
    Do 3 incomplete double crochet stitches (all but the last step of the double crochet stitch) into the same stitch. You should have 4 loops on your hook at this point. Yarn over and draw the yarn through all 4 loops to complete. Make sure to tighten this stitch as much as you can before continuing to prevent holes from forming.

    1. Magic ring: 6
    2. Inc around (12)
    3. Sc 3, puff, sl st, puff, sl st, puff, sl st, sc 3 (12)
    4. Sc 3, inc, sc 4, inc, sc 3 (14)
    5. Sc around (14)
    6. Sc 4, inc, sc 4, inc, sc 4 (16)
    7. Sc 4, inc, sc 6, inc, sc 4 (18)
    8. Sc around (18)
    9. Sc 5, inc, sc 6, inc, sc 5 (20)
    10. FO

    (The FO point should be in the midline of the underside of the arm.)



    **For the puff stitches this time, I wanted the toes to be larger so I added one more stitch.
    Do 4 incomplete double crochet stitches (all but the last step of the double crochet stitch) into the same stitch. You should have 5 loops on your hook at this point. Yarn over and draw the yarn through all 5 loops to complete.

    Same thing applies, toes are optional! Substitute puffs and slip stitches with single crochet stitches if you don't want toes (but who can resist that!).

    1. Magic ring: 6
    2. Inc around (12)
    3. [Sc, inc] around (18)
    4. Sc 5, inc, puff, sl st, puff, sl st, puff, inc, sc 5, inc (21)
    5. Sc 5, dec, sc 3, dec, sc 2, dec, sc 5 (18)
    6. [Sc 4, dec] around (15)
    7. Sc 13, dec (14)
    8. Sc 3, inc, sc 2, inc, sc 2, inc, sc 4 (17)
    9. Inc, sc 4, inc, sc 3, inc, sc 2, inc, sc 4 (21)
    10. [Sc 6, inc] around (24)
    11. FO

    (His feet should be feet shaped so make sure to keep that in mind when attaching and stuffing!)



    **Be sure to stuff as you go along. Stuff more at the tip of the tail (rounds 1-8) to give it the round shape. Do not overstuff in the middle portion though or else you will have trouble wrapping and sewing/shaping the tail.

    1. Magic ring: 6
    2. Inc around (12)
    3. Sc around (12)
    4. [Sc 3, inc] around (15)
    5-7. Sc around 3 times (15)
    8. [Sc 3, dec] around (12)
    9-12. Sc around 4 times (12)
    13. [Sc 3, inc] around (15)
    14. Sc around (15)
    15. [Sc 4, inc] (18)
    16-20. Sc around 5 times (18)
    21. [Sc 4, dec] around (15)
    22. Sc around (15)
    23. [Sc 3, dec] (12)
    24. Sc around (12)
    25. FO

    **Note on assembling: When sewing on his head and limbs, I lay everything on a flat surface because I wanted that "belly-flopping" shape. The head and limbs all ended up being part way between the yellow and brown of the shell. Don't worry about this because the white rim will end up bordering along the shell and limbs and help to give it a nice shape and finish.

    **For the white rim around the shell, I single crocheted along a long chain and sewed this strip along the edges of the shell and body parts. The length will probably vary depending on how you've put your Squirtle together. I assembled everything first before making the rim. I ended up needing about 85 stitches in length. Before addition of shell rim: fav.me/d73l0rb

    **Shell details and eyes are needle-felted, though yarn/thread and cut-out felt should work fine!
    Anteprime Allegate Anteprime Allegate Pokemon amigurumi-baby_squirtle-jpg  

  4. #4
    L'avatar di Lo Staff
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    Predefinito Pokemon

    Baby Charmander

    (Size F hook for all parts)


    Head and Body: (one piece)

    -Magic ring: 6
    -Inc around (12)
    -[Sc, inc] around (18)
    -Sc 2, inc, sc 2, inc, sc 1, inc, sc 2, inc, sc 1, inc, sc 2, inc, sc 2 (24)
    -Sc around 2 times (24)
    -Sc 3, inc, sc 3, inc, sc 2, inc, sc 2, inc, sc 2, ince, sc 3, inc, sc 3 (30)
    -Sc 4, inc, sc 4, inc, sc 3, inc, sc 2, inc, sc 3, ince, sc 4, inc, sc 4 (36)
    -Sc around 3 times (36)
    -Sc 3, inc, sc, inc, sc 24, inc, sc, inc, sc 3 (40)
    -Sc 4, inc, sc 2, inc, sc 9, inc, sc 4, inc, sc 9, inc, sc 2, inc, sc 4 (46)
    -Sc 5, decx2, sc 7, inc, sc 12, inc, sc 7, decx2, sc 5 (44)
    -Sc 5, dec, sc 12, inc, sc 4, inc, sc 12, dec, sc 5 (44)
    -Sc around(44)
    -Sc 9, dec, Sc 6, dec, sc 6, dec, sc 6, dec, sc 9 (40)
    -Sc 8, dec, sc 6, dec, sc 4, dec, sc 6, dec, sc 8 (36)
    -Sc 4, dec, sc 4, dec, sc 2, dec, sc 4, dec, sc 2, dec, sc 4, dec, sc 4 (30)
    -Sc 3, dec, Sc 3, dec, sc 2, dec, sc 2, dec, sc 2, dec, sc 3, dec, sc 3 (24)
    -Sc 4, dec, sc 3, dec, sc 2, dec, sc 3, dec, sc 4(20)
    -Sc 4, inc, sc 3, inc, sc 2, inc, sc 3, inc, sc 4 (24)
    -Sc 3, inc, sc 3, inc, sc 2, inc, sc 2, inc, sc 2, inc, sc 3, inc, sc 3 (30)
    -Sc around (30)
    -Sc 5, inc, sc 5, inc, sc 2, inc, sc 3, inc, sc 5, inc, sc 5 (35)
    -Sc around 3 times (35)
    -Sc 6, inc, sc 6, inc, sc 3, inc, sc 3, inc, sc 6, inc, sc 6 (40)
    -Sc around 8 times (40)
    -Sc 3, dec, sc 3, dec, sc 3, dec, sc 2, dec, sc 2, dec, sc 2, dec, sc 3, dec, sc 3, dec, sc 3 (32)
    -Sc 2, dec, sc 2, dec, sc 2, dec, sc 1, dec, sc 2, dec, sc 1, dec, sc 2, dec, sc 2, dec, sc 2 (24)
    -[Sc 2, dec] around (18)
    -[Sc 1, dec] around (12)
    -Dec around (6)

    (The FO point should be in the midline of the underside of the head and body.)



    -Magic ring: 6
    -Inc around (12)
    -Sc around (12)
    -Sc 3, inc, sc 4, inc, sc 3 (14)
    -Sc around (14)
    -Sc 4, inc, sc 4, inc, sc 4 (16)
    -Sc 4, inc, sc 6, inc, sc 4 (18)
    -Sc around (18)
    -Sc 5, inc, sc 6, inc, sc 5 (20)

    (The FO point should be in the midline of the underside of the arm.)



    -Magic ring: 6
    -Inc around (12)
    -[Sc, inc] around (18)
    -[Sc 5, inc] around (21)
    -Sc 5, dec, sc 2, dec, sc 3, dec, sc 5 (18)
    -[Sc 4, dec] around (15)
    -Sc 13, dec (14)
    -Sc 3, inc, sc 2, inc, sc 2, inc, sc 4 (17)
    -Inc, sc 4, inc, sc 3, inc, sc 2, inc, sc 4 (21)
    -[Sc 6, inc] around (24)
    -Sc 8

    (His feet should be feet shaped so make sure to keep that in mind when attaching and stuffing!)


    Belly Strip:

    **For this, you will be working in rows. Make sure to chain 1 after each row and turn.

    -Ch 4
    -Sc 3 (3)
    -Sc 1, inc, sc 1 (4)
    -Sc 1, incx2, sc 1 (6)
    -Sc 6 (6)
    -Repeat previous step 2 more times (6)
    -Sc 1, inc, sc 2, inc, sc 1 (8)
    -Sc 1, inc, sc 4, inc, sc 1 (10)
    -Sc 10 (10)
    -Repeat previous step (10)
    -Sc 1, dec, sc 4, dec, sc 1 (8)
    -Sc 1, dec, sc 2, dec, sc 1 (6)
    -Sc 2, dec, sc 2 (5)
    -Sc 5 (5)
    -Repeat previous step 3 more times (5)
    -Sc 2, dec, sc 1 (4)
    -Sc 1, dec, sc 1 (3)
    -Sc around (3)
    -Sc 1, dec (2)
    -Sc 2 (2)
    -Repeat previous step 3 times (2)
    -Dec (1)
    -Sc 1 (1)
    -Repeat previous step 6 more times (1)
    -Sc along edges



    **Note: Each round may not end at the same spot as the previous round but not to worry! This helps with the curved shape of the tail.

    -Magic ring: 5
    -Sc 2, inc, sc 2 (6)
    -Sc 2, incx2, sc 2 (8)
    -Sc 3, inc, sc 3, dec (8)
    -Sc 3, incx2, sc 3 (10)
    -Sc 4, inc, sc 4, dec (10)
    -sc 3, inc, sc 2, inc, sc 3 (12)
    -Sc 5, inc, sc 5, dec (12)
    -Sc 3, inc, sc 1, inc, sc 2, inc, sc 3 (15)
    -Sc 6, inc, sc 7, dec (15)
    -Sc 4, inc, sc 2, inc, sc 2, inc, sc 4 (18)
    -Sc 8, inc, sc 8, dec (18)
    -Repeat previous step 4 times
    -Sc 5, inc, sc 2, inc, sc 3, inc, sc 5 (21)

    **The flame at the end of the tail was made by brushing out yarn.
    **The eyes and nails are needle felted though I'm sure cut out felt will also work!
    Anteprime Allegate Anteprime Allegate Pokemon amigurumi-baby_charmander-jpg  

  5. #5
    L'avatar di Lo Staff
    Lo Staff è offline Moderatrice
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    Predefinito Pokemon

    Baby Umbreon

    (Size F hook and worsted weight yarn for all parts)


    1. Magic ring: 6
    2. Inc around (12)
    3. [Sc, inc] around (18)
    4. [Sc 2, inc] around (24)
    5. [Sc 3, inc] around (30)
    6. [Sc 4, inc] around (36)
    7-11. Sc around 5 times (36)
    12. Sc 8, inc, sc, inc, sc 14, inc, sc, inc, sc 8 (40)
    13. Sc around (40)
    14. Sc 11, inc, sc 6, inc, sc 2, inc, sc 6, inc, sc 11 (44)
    15. Sc around (44)
    16. Sc 11, dec, sc 18, dec, sc 11 (42)
    17. Sc 5, dec, sc 5, dec, sc 4, dec, sc 2, dec, sc 4, dec, sc 5, dec, sc 5 (36)
    18. [Sc 4, dec] around (30)
    19. [Sc 3, dec] around (24)
    20. [Sc 2, dec] around (18)
    21. [Sc, dec] around (12)
    23. Dec around (6)
    24. Fasten off (FO)

    Note: The FO point should be approximately in the midline of the back of the head. Yes, it sort of matters because it should have subtle cheeks and a slight nose bulge. Knowing where you are will help you stuff "strategically".



    1. Magic ring: 6
    2. Inc around (12)
    3. [Sc, inc] around (18)
    4. Sc 2, inc, sc 2, inc, sc, inc, sc 2, inc, sc, inc, sc 2, inc, sc 2 (24)
    5. Sc 2, inc, sc 2, inc, sc 2, inc, sc, inc, sc 2, inc, sc, inc, sc 2, inc, sc 2, inc, sc 2 (32)
    6. Sc 3, inc, sc 3, inc, sc 3, inc, sc 2, inc, sc 2, inc, sc 2, inc, sc 3, inc, sc 3, inc, sc 3 (40)
    7-14. Sc around 8 times (40)
    15. Sc 6, dec, sc 6, dec,sc 3, dec, sc 3, dec, sc 6, dec, sc 6 (35)
    16-18. Sc around 3 times (35)
    19. [Sc 5, dec] around (30)
    20. Sc around (30)
    21. Sc 3, dec, sc 3, dec, sc 2, dec, sc 2, dec, sc 2, dec, sc 3, dec, sc 3 (24)
    22. Sc around (24)
    23. FO

    (The FO point should be approximately in the midline of the underside of the body)



    1. Magic ring: 6
    2. Inc around (12)
    3. Sc around (12)
    4. 3, inc, 4, inc, 3 (14)
    5. Sc around (14)
    6. Sc 4, inc, sc 4, inc, sc 4 (16)
    7. Sc 4, inc, sc 6, inc, sc 4 (18)
    8. Sc around (18)
    9. Sc 5, inc, sc 6, inc, sc 5 (20)
    10. FO

    (The FO point should be in the midline of the underside of the arm.)



    1. Magic ring: 6
    2. Inc around (12)
    3. [Sc, inc] around (18)
    4. [Sc 5, inc] around (21)
    5. Sc 5, dec, sc 2, dec, sc 3, dec, sc 5 (18)
    6. [Sc 4, dec] around (15)
    7. Sc 13, dec (14)
    8. Sc 3, inc, sc 2, inc, sc 2, inc, sc 4 (17)
    9. Inc, sc 4, inc, sc 3, inc, sc 2, inc, sc 4 (21)
    10. [Sc 6, inc] around (24)
    11. Sc around (24)
    12. FO

    (The feet should be feet-shaped so make sure to keep that in mind when attaching and stuffing!)



    1. Magic ring: 4
    2. [Sc, inc] around (6)
    3. [Sc, inc] around (9)
    4. Sc around (9)
    5. [Sc 2, inc] around (12)
    6. Sc around (12)

    Change to yellow:
    7. [Sc 5, inc] around (14)
    8. [Sc 6, inc] around (16)
    9. Sc around (16)

    Change to black:
    10. [Sc 7, inc] around (18)
    11. [Sc 7, dec] around (16)
    12. [Sc 6, dec] around (14)
    13. Sc around (14)
    14. [Sc 5, dec] around (12)
    15. Sc 8
    16. FO



    1. Magic ring: 4
    2. [Sc, inc] around (6)
    3. [Sc, inc] around (9)
    4. Sc around (9)
    5. [Sc 2, inc] around (12)
    6. [Sc 2, inc] around (16)
    7. Sc around (16)
    8. [Sc 3, inc] around (20)
    9. [Sc 4, inc] around (24)

    Change to yellow:
    10-12. Sc around 3 times (24)

    Change to black:
    13-14. Sc around 2 times (24)
    15. [Sc 4, dec] around (20)
    16-17. Sc around 2 times (20)
    18. [Sc 3, dec] around (16)
    19. FO

    **Eyes and details are needle felted directly onto the work.
    Anteprime Allegate Anteprime Allegate Pokemon amigurumi-baby_umbreon-jpg  

  6. #6
    L'avatar di Lo Staff
    Lo Staff è offline Moderatrice
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    Predefinito Pokeball

    Lana Rossa
    Lana Bianca
    Lana nera
    Uncinetto n° 3

    Giro 1: (MB) 6 in ANELLO MAGICO - 6
    Giro 2: Aumento - 12
    Giro 3: (Aum, mb 1) intorno - 18
    Giro 4: (Aum, mb 2) intorno - 24
    Giro 5: (Aum, mb 3) intorno - 30
    Giro 6: (Aum, mb 4) intorno - 36
    Giro 7: (Aum, mb 5) - 42
    Giri 8-9: MB intorno

    Passare al nero
    Giri 10-11: MB intorno

    Passare al bianco
    Giri 12-14: MB intorno
    Giro 15: (Dim, mb 5) intorno - 36
    Giro 16: (Dim, mb 4) intorno - 30
    Giro 17: (dim, mb 3) intorno - 24
    Giro 18: (dim, mb 2) intorno - 18
    Giro 19: (dim, mb 1) intorno - 12
    Giro 20: Dim intorno - 6

    In bianco
    Giro 1: MB 6 - 6
    Giro 2: Aum intorno - 12

    Passare a nero
    Giro 3: (aum, mb 1) - 18

    Cucire al centro della Pokeball in cui il cambiamento di colore è più evidente.

    Anteprime Allegate Anteprime Allegate Pokemon amigurumi-pokeball-jpg  

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