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Discussione: Cappelli-cuffie-sciarpe-scaldacolli-borse-guanti- accessori

  1. #21
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    Ultima modifica di Nick-name; 03-07-2011 alle 11:43

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  3. #22
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    250 gr di cotone
    ferri n° 4,5
    ago e filo per cucire

    Con i ferri n° 4,5, avviare 56 maglie e lavorare a maglia rasata a diritto. A cm 30 di altezza del lavoro, fare 4 ferri a legaccio e proseguire con altri 2 ferri a maglia rasata. A questo punto eseguire il ferro per l’asola lavorando le maglie nel seguente modo: * 3 diritti, 1 maglia gettata, 2 maglie insieme a diritto, 5 diritti, ripetere da * terminando con 4 diritti. Il successivo ferro va lavorato a rovescio. Eseguire nuovamente 4 ferri a legaccio ed in fine chiudere le maglie.

    Avviare 78 maglie e lavorare i primi 2 ferri a maglia rasata a diritto.
    3° ferro: dal rovescio del lavoro, fare 13 rovesci, 20 diritti, 12 rovesci, 20 diritti e 13 rovesci.
    4° ferro: lavorare 13 diritti, 20 rovesci , 12 diritti , 20 rovesci e 13 diritti.
    5° ferro: eseguire 13 rovesci, 20 punti incrociati a destra a diritto ( tenere 10 punti in sospeso sul dietro, lavorare 10 maglie a diritto, riprendere i 10 punti lasciati in sospeso e lavorarli a diritto), 12 rovesci, 20 punti incrociati a destra a diritto, 13 rovesci.
    6°, 8°, 10°, 12° e 14° ferro: 13 rovesci, 20 diritti, 12 rovesci, 20 diritti e 13 rovesci.
    7°, 9°, 11° e 13° ferro: 13 diritti, 20 rovesci , 12 diritti , 20 rovesci e 13 diritti.
    Ripetere dal 3° al 14° ferro fino a raggiungere cm 30 di altezza del lavoro.
    Proseguire nel seguente modo: * 1 diritto, 2 maglie insieme a diritto, 2 diritti, 2 maglie insieme a diritto, ripetere da * per 11 volte terminando con 1 diritto. Otterrete così 56 maglie.
    Concludere come per il dietro: * 3 diritti, 1 maglia gettata, 2 maglie insieme a diritto, 5 diritti, ripetere da * terminando con 4 diritti. Un ferro va lavorato a rovescio. Eseguire 4 ferri a legaccio e chiudere le maglie.
    Ultima modifica di Nick-name; 03-07-2011 alle 11:44

  4. #23
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    filato a fantasia
    ferri a doppie punte
    spilla da balia fermamaglie
    ago e filo

    coste a treccine
    maglia rasata a diritto

    Guanto destro
    Si inizia dal polso. Con il colore A e con i ferri a doppie punte avviare 48 maglie distribuendone 16 per ogni ferro. Unire in tondo senza ritorcere le maglie. Lavorare circa 7,5 cm a coste a treccine. Proseguire applicando il seguente schema:
    1° giro: 2 maglie a punto coste a treccine, fare un aumento, * 4 maglie a coste a treccine, fare un aumento, ripetere da * fino alla fine terminando con 2 maglie a punto coste a treccine.
    Dal ° al 5° giro: Con il colore B lavorare a maglia rasata a diritto.
    6° e 7° giro: Con il colore A lavorare a legaccio.
    Dall’ 8° al 11° giro: Con il colore C lavorare a maglia rasata a diritto.
    12 e 13° giro: Con il colore A lavorare a legaccio.
    Dal 14° al 17° giro: Con il colore D lavorare a maglia rasata a diritto.
    18° e 19° giro: Con il colore A lavorare a legaccio.
    Dal 20° al 23° giro: Con il colore E lavorare a maglia rasata a diritto.
    24° e 25° giro: Con il colore A lavorare a legaccio.
    A questo punto lavorare 30 maglie, lasciarne 9 sul fermamaglie che serviranno poi per la lavorazione del pollice. Rispettando lo schema, proseguire ancora per circa 10 cm terminando con la lavorazione a legaccio con il colore A (26° giro). Lavorare 34 maglie a diritto e 2 maglie insieme a rovescio (27° giro).
    Per l’indice, utilizzare il colore A e lavorare a diritto 30 maglie sul primo ferro, poi 8 sul secondo ed in fine far scorrere dal ferro al fermamaglie i punti rimanenti. Avviare 3 maglie. Distribuire le 20 maglie sui 3 ferri. Lavorare a legaccio per 5 ferri utilizzando sempre il colore A, poi fare un ferro a rovescio ed un’altro ferro a diritto. Intrecciare le maglie.
    Per il dito medio, con il colore A far scorrere 7 maglie sul ferro e lavorarle a diritto. Avviarrne altre 3, eseguire 7 diritti e riprendere 3 maglie dalla base dell’indice. Distribuire le 20 maglie sui 3 ferri. Lavorare a legaccio per 5 ferri utilizzando sempre il colore A, poi fare un ferro a rovescio ed un’altro ferro a diritto. Intrecciare le maglie.
    L’anulare va eseguito come il dito medio. L’unica differenza è che le maglie dovranno essere riprese dalla base del dito medio e non dell’indice.
    Per il mignolo, con il colore A distribuire le maglie rimaste su 2 ferri e lavorarle a legaccio. Poi riprenderne 3 dalla base dell’anulare ed eseguire prima 5 ferri a diritto poi 1 a rovescio ed intrecciare.
    Per il pollice, riprendere le 9 maglie lasciate in sospeso sul fermamaglie lavorandole a diritto. Distribuirle sui 3 ferri ed eseguire 5 ferri a diritto, fare 4 aumenti, lavorare 1 ferro a rovescio ed intrecciare.
    Ultima modifica di Nick-name; 03-07-2011 alle 11:44

  5. #24
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    2 gomitoli di “Pura lana ecologica by Manifattura Sesia” 50% alpaca superfine – 50% lana extrafine
    ferri circolare n. 6
    Misure: circ. base 80 cm, circ. collo 40 cm, alt. 25 cm
    Montare 147 m e lavorare a legaccio per 6 giri.
    1° g: *5 r – 8 d (treccia doppia) – 5 r – 3 d (treccina)* rip. 7 volte
    2° g: come il primo
    3° g: *5 r -4 incroci a dx (mettere 2 m in sospeso dietro al lavoro, 2 d., lav. a dir. le m. sospese), 4 incroci a sx (mettere 2m in sospeso davanti al lavoro, 2 d., lav. a d. le m. sospese), 5 r, 1 treccina (1m passata a d., 2 m d., accavallare la m. p. sulle 2m d.* continuare fino alla fine del g.
    4° g: *5 r, 8 d, 5 r, 1d, 1 get, 1 d., * rip.
    5° g: *5 r, 8 d, 5 r, 3 d.*
    6° g: 5 r, 8 d, 5 rov, 3 d.
    7° g: *5 r -4 incroci a dx, , 4 incroci a sx, 5 r, 1m passata a d., 2 m d., acc. la m. p. sulle 2m d.*
    8° g: *5 r, 8 d, 5 r, 1d, 1 get, 1 d., *
    9° g: *5 r, 8 d, 5 r, 3 d*
    10° g: *5 r, 8 d, 5 r, 3 d*
    11° g: *5 r, 8 d, 5 r, 1m passata a d., 2 m d., accavallare la m. p. sulle 2m d.*
    12° g: *5 r, 8 d, 5 r, 1d, 1 get, 1 d.*
    13° g: *5 r, 8 d, 5 r, 3 d*
    14° g: *5 r -4 incroci a dx, 4 incroci a sx, 5 r, 1m passata a d., 2 m d., acc. la m. p. sulle 2m d.*
    15° g: *5 r, 8 d, 5 r, 1d, 1 get, 1 d., *
    16° g: *5 r, 8 d, 5 r, 3 d*
    17° g: *5 r, 8 d, 5 r, 3 d*
    18° g: *5 r -4 incroci a dx, 4 incroci a sx, 5 r, 1m passata a d., 2 m d., acc. la m. p. sulle 2m d.*
    19° g: *5 r, 8 d, 5 r, 1d, 1 get, 1 d., *
    20° g: *2 m ass. 3 r (le 5 m. rov. diventano 4), lavorare le trecce e treccine come negli altri giri.

    Proseguire con le dim. ogni 2 g, fino ad avere 84 m, poi lav. a coste 2/2 per 20 g.
    Chiudere tutte le maglie
    Ultima modifica di Nick-name; 03-07-2011 alle 11:47

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    Semplice ed elegante questa stola color glicine.

    La stola misura 36 x 150 cm. realizzata con 4 gomitoli di lana 100% merino Ixia Baby, ferri n. 3 1/2.
    • montare 94 m e lavorare a punto legaccio per 4 ferri.
    • al 5° ferro distribuire le maglie così: 3 m. a punto legaccio,88 m. (motivo a punto foglie), 3 m. legaccio
    • proseguire per 150 cm. e terminare lavorando tutte le maglie a p. legaccio per 4 ferri.
    Motivo a foglie

    Ultima modifica di Nick-name; 03-07-2011 alle 11:49

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    DROPS number 123-20

    Cappello DROPS con trecce in "Nepal".

    DROPS design: Modello n. NE-007
    Taglia: S/M - M/L
    Materiali: DROPS NEPAL di Garnstudio
    150-150 g colore n. 0100 eco panna

    DROPS FERRI A DOPPIA PUNTA (gioco di ferri) E FERRO CIRCOLARE (40 cm) n 5 - oppure i ferri necessari per ottenere un campione di 17 m x 22 giri = 10 x 10 cm in maglia rasata – quando si lavorano le trecce, i giri diventano 26.
    DROPS FERRO CIRCOLARE (40 cm) n 3,5 – per le coste.

    Ved diag M.2 - il diag mostra 1 motivo sul diritto.

    Si lavora in tondo dal basso verso l’alto.
    Avviare 84-96 m con il filo Nepal e il ferro circolare 3,5. Lavorare le coste = 3 m rov / 3 m dir per 10 giri – NOTA: Cominciare con 3 m rov. Lavorare il giro seguente così: * 3 m rov, 1 m dir, 1 gettato, 1 m dir, 1 gettato, 2 m dir, 1 m rov, 2 m dir, 1 gettato, 1 m dir, 1 gettato, 1 m dir *, ripetere da *-* tutto il giro = 112-128 m. Continuare con il ferro circolare 5 così: * 3 m rov, M.2 (lavorare a dir ritorto i gett del giro precedente per evitare un buco) *, ripetere da *-* tutto il giro (= 7-8 motivi di M.2). Cambiare per i ferri a doppia punta quando non ci sono abbastanza maglie per il ferro circolare. Dopo M.2, rimangono 42-48 m sul f. Al giro seguente, diminuire 2 m in tutte le sezioni di 3 m rov (= 3m rov diventano 1 m rov) = 28-32 m. Al giro seguente, lavorare insieme a dir tutte le m, 2 insieme alla volta = 14-16 m. Tagliare il filo e farlo passare 2 volte nelle m rimanenti, stringere e fissare bene il filo. Il cappello misura ca 24 cm.

    Spiegazioni diagramma
    = 1 m dir = 1 m rov = passare 2 m su un ferro ausiliario dietro al lavoro, 2 m dir, 2 m dir dal f. ausil. = passare 2 m su un ferro ausiliario davanti al lavoro, 2 m dir, 2 m dir dal f. ausil. = passare 2 m su un ferro ausiliario dietro al lavoro, 2 m dir, lavorare insieme a dir le 2 m sul f. ausil. = passare 2 m su un ferro ausiliario davanti al lavoro, 2 m insieme a dir, 2 m dir dal f. ausil. = passare 1 m su un ferro ausiliario dietro al lavoro, 2 m dir, lavorare 2 volte a dir la m sul f. ausil. = passare 2 m su un ferro ausiliario davanti al lavoro, lavorare 2 volte a dir la m seguente, 2 m dir dal f. ausil. = 2 m insieme a dir = 2 m insieme a dir ritorto

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    For other Mini Mochi
    Patterns Click HERE

    Weekender Lace Wrap Stole

    4 - 50 gr balls Crystal Palace Mini Mochi
    (color used in model #103 "violets rainbow")
    Crystal Palace Bambooor Daisy circular needles US size 5 or size needed to obtain a nice lace weight fabric
    Tools for blocking

    Approximately 70” long x 18” wide blocked
    (However, it could be blocked larger than this if desired.)

    k = knit; p = purl; sl = slip; yo = yarn over
    k2tog = knit 2 stitches together
    ssk = slip one stitch knitwise, slip one stitch purlwise, insert the left needle into the fronts of the two slipped stitches and knit them together
    psso = pass slipped stitch over

    Cast On 75 stitches.
    Garter stitch border:
    Row 1: YO, K2tog, knit across
    Row 2: as row 1
    Row 3: as row 1
    Row 4: as row 1

    Begin lace pattern: [See chart at bottom of page]
    Row 1: YO, K2tog, K3, [K2tog, YO, K1, YO, SSK, K2, *YO, (sl1, K2tog, psso), YO, K3, repeat from * 2 more times, YO, (sl1, K2tog, psso), YO, K2], repeat between [ ] once more, end K2tog, YO, K1, YO, SSK, K5
    Row 2: YO, K2tog, K2, purl to last 4 stitches, K4
    Row 3: YO, K2tog, K3, [K2tog, YO, K1, YO, SSK, K2 *K3 YO, (sl1, K2tog, psso), YO, repeat from * 2 more times K5], repeat between [ ] once more, end K2tog, YO, K1, YO, SSK, K5
    Row 4: as row 2

    Repeat these 4 rows until stole is desired length.
    Repeat the 4 rows of the Garter stitch border.
    Bind off all stitches.
    Block to desired length and width.

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    See Links to More
    Mini Mochi Patterns

    Click here

    Mini Mochi Shawlette

    Crystal Palace Mini-Mochi, 2 - 50 gr. balls:
    model shown used 2 balls #101 "intense rainbow"See the newest 8 colors of Mini Mochi here.

    Crystal Palace Bamboo 26" Circular Needle Size 5
    Stitch markers

    Gauge: 6 sts = 1” in St st
    Note: m1: "make 1" = lift the bar between the sts onto the left hand needle and knit it to increase by 1 st.
    Cast on 5 sts.
    1- K1, inc in next st, K1, inc in next st, K1 (7 sts)
    2- K
    3- K1, inc in next st, K1, yo, K1, yo, K1, inc in next st, K1 (11 sts)
    4- K
    5- K1, inc in next st, K3, yo, K1, yo, K3, inc in next st, K1 (15 sts) (place a pin marker around the center st)
    6- K4, P to last 4 sts, K4.
    7- K4, yo, K1, m1, K to center st, yo, K1, yo, K to last 5 sts, m1, K1, yo, K4.
    8- K 4, P to last 4 sts, K4.

    Repeat rows 7 and 8 until there are 43 sts on each side of center st. End by working a right-side row.
    Note: there will always be a multiple of 3 +1 on each side of center st.

    Continue as follows:
    1 (wrong side)- K (this will form a garter ridge on the right side of the work).
    2- K4, yo, K1, m1, K to center st, yo, K1, yo, K to last 5 sts, m1, K1, yo, K4
    3- K4, P to last 4 sts, K4.
    4- Repeat row 2
    5- Repeat row 3
    6- Repeat row 2

    Repeat these 6 rows until there are 151 sts each side of center stitch. Work row 1 once more.
    (151 ea side of center s + center st = 303 sts)

    Preparation row for beginning lace border:
    K to last 5 sts, m1, K5 (no center increases are made on this row). – 304 sts total (a multiple of 5 + 4 is required for border). Purl one more wrong-side row.
    Begin lace border:
    Cast on 4 sts, using cable cast on method.
    1 (rs)- K2, yo, K1, K2 tog (last edging st together with 1 st from shawl edge). Turn.
    2- Sl 1 as to purl with yarn in front, K4. Turn.
    3- K2, yo, K2, K2 tog. Turn.
    4- Sl, K5. Turn.
    5- K2, yo, K3, K2 tog. Turn.
    6- Sl, K6. Turn.
    7- K2, yo, K4, K2 tog. Turn.
    8- Sl 1, K7. Turn.
    9- Bind off 4, K2, K2 tog. Turn.
    10- Sl 1, K3. Turn.

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    Crystal Palace Yarns
    free knit mitten pattern

    Above and directly below -
    knit in Mini Mochi #105 "tapestry rainbow"

    Below is the top of the hat shown above in
    Mini Mochi color #105 - tapestry rainbow

    Below is the hat knit in Mini Mochi
    #107 - autumn rainbow

    Below is the mitten shown on a hand.

    See Links to More
    Mini Mochi Patterns

    Click here
    Mini Mochi Fair Isle Hat & Mittens
    Designed by Sandi Rosner for Crystal Palace Yarns

    The interplay between the subtly shifting colors of Mini Mochi give this simple hat and mitten set a richly complex look.
    Yarn: Crystal Palace Yarns Mini Mochi (80% Merino Wool, 20% Nylon, 195 yards – 50 gram ball)
    3 balls of any color. Shown in #107Autumn Rainbow and #105 Tapestry Rainbow
    Crystal Palace Bamboo Needles:
    16” circular Size US 2 / 2.75mm and Size US 3 / 3.25mm.
    5 double pointed needles size US 2 / 2.75mm and Size US 3 / 3.25mm.
    Adjust needle size if necessary to get the correct gauge.

    Stitch markers.
    Smooth waste yarn.

    Finished Measurements
    Hat size S (M, L)
    Circumference: 17 (19 ¾, 22 ½)”

    Mittens size S (M, L)
    Hand circumference above thumb: 7 ½ (8 ½, 9 ½)”

    34 sts and 34 rows = 4”/10cm over Diamond Chart
    in Stockinette St using larger needles.

    Beg- Begin(ning); CO- Cast on; Dec- Decrease; K- Knit; M1- Make 1; P- Purl; Pm- Place a stitch marker on the needle; Rep- Repeat; St(s)- Stitch(es)
    This design is made with a single color of self-striping yarn. Work with two balls. Label one ball A and the other ball B (each ball in a baggie labeled with a Sharpie pen works well). Be sure each ball starts in a different place in the color sequence.
    For best results, take charge of your colors! While the subtle interplay of light and dark is part of the magic of this design, you don’t want your colors to match up for more than about a row. If you find your A and B yarns are too close in color and you are losing contrast between the parts of the pattern, wind off some yarn from one of the balls until you get to the beginning of the next color.
    This design is worked using the stranded Fair Isle technique. Carry the yarn not in use loosely across the back of the work. There is no need to twist or weave in the strands – you are never stranding across more than 3 stitches.
    Stitch Patterns
    Corrugated Ribbing

    Every round: * K2 with yarn A, p2 with yarn B; rep from * to end of round.
    Stripe Pattern

    Every round: * K2 with yarn A, k2 with yarn B; rep from * to end of round.
    Diamond Chart

    Worked in Stockinette St (knit every round)

    Using smaller circular needles and A, CO 144 (168, 192) sts. Place a marker to indicate beg of round and join, being careful not to twist.
    Join B and work in Corrugated Ribbing for 1 ½”.
    Change to larger circular needles and work Diamond Pattern from chart for 6 (7, 8)”, or desired length to crown.
    Shape crown
    Next round: Maintaining Diamond Pattern, * k12 (14, 16) sts, pm; rep from * to end of round – 12 markers including beg of round marker.
    Next round – Dec round Note – work all decs in yarn A: * K to 2 sts before marker, k2tog; rep from * to end of round – 132 (156, 180) sts.
    Next round: K, maintaining Diamond Pattern between decs and knitting dec sts with yarn A.
    Rep last 2 rounds until 12 sts remain, changing to larger double pointed needles when necessary. Break yarn and draw through the remaining sts twice, pull tight and fasten off. Weave in ends. Block as directed below.

    Alternate crown shaping – If you just can’t bear double pointed needles or decreasing in pattern, try this “no-decrease origami-style” hat finish:
    Continue working even in Diamond Pattern for 2” more. Turn your hat wrong side out, put half the stitches on a spare circular needle, and close the hat with a 3-needle bind off. Turn the hat right side out, bring the two corners together at the center of the bound off seam and sew them down. Weave in ends and block.

    Using smaller double pointed needles and A, CO 64 (72, 80) sts. Arrange sts evenly on 4 needles and join, being careful not to twist. Join B and work in Corrugated Ribbing for 2”.
    Change to larger double pointed needles and work Diamond Pattern from chart for 1”.
    Begin Thumb Gusset
    Next round:
    Right hand only: Work 27 (31, 35) sts in pattern as established, pm, k2 sts with A, pm, work to end of round in pattern as established.
    Left hand only: Work 37 (41, 45) sts in pattern as established, pm, k2 sts with A, pm, work to end of round in pattern as established.

    Both hands: Next round: Work to marker in pattern, slip marker, M1 with B, k2 with A, M1 with B, slip marker, work in pattern to end of round.
    Next 2 rounds: Work to marker in pattern, slip marker, k1 with B, k2 with A, k1 with B, slip marker, work in pattern to end of round.
    Next round: Work to marker in pattern, slip marker, M1 with B, k1 with B, k2 with A, k1 with B, M1 with B, slip marker, work in pattern to end of round.
    Next 2 rounds: Work to marker in pattern, slip marker, k2 with B, k2 with A, k2 with B, slip marker, work in pattern to end of round.
    Next round: Work to marker in pattern, slip marker, M1 with A, k2 with B, k2 with A, k2 with B, M1 with A, slip marker, work in pattern to end of round.
    Continue as established, working increase round every 3rd round and working gusset sts in 2-st vertical stripes, until there are 18 (22, 26) sts between markers.
    Work 1 round without increases.
    Next round: Work in pattern to marker, remove marker, place next 18 (22, 26) sts on waste yarn for holding, CO 2 sts to bridge the gap, remove marker, work in pattern to end of round. 64 (72, 80) sts.
    Work even in Diamond Pattern until work measures 6 (6½, 7)” above ribbing.

    Shape top
    Next round: *K1 with A, ssk with B, work 26 (30, 34) sts in pattern, k2tog with B, k1 with A; rep from * once more – 60 (68, 76) sts.
    Next round: *K1 with A, k1 with B, work 26 (30, 34) sts in pattern, k1 with B, k1 with A; rep from * once more.
    Next round: *K1 with A, ssk with B, work 24 (28, 32) sts in pattern, k2tog with B, k1 with A; rep from * once more – 56 (64, 72) sts.
    Next round: *K1 with 1, k1 with B, work 24 (28, 32) sts in pattern, k1 with B, k1 with A; rep from * once more.
    Continue as established, working dec round every other round, working decs with B and 2 sts between decs with A, until 32 (36, 40) sts remain.
    Discontinue plain rounds and work decs as established every round until 8 sts remain. Break yarn and draw through the remaining sts twice, pull tight and fasten off.

    Return held gusset sts to needles. Join yarn and pick up and knit 2 sts at cast on edge of hand – 20 (24, 28) sts. Arrange sts evenly on 4 needles and work in Stripe Pattern, continuing stripes already established on gusset, until thumb measures 1 ½ (2, 2)” from pick up round.
    Shape top
    Next round – working all decs in yarn A: * Work 3 (4, 5) sts in Stripe Pattern, k2tog; rep from * to end of round – 16 (20, 24) sts.
    Next round: Work even in stripe pattern, knitting every k2tog with yarn A.
    Next round: * Work 2 (3, 4) sts in Stripe Pattern, k2tog; repeat from * to end of round.
    Next round: Work even in stripe pattern, knitting every k2tog with yarn A.
    Discontinue plain round and work dec rounds only, working 1 less st between decs on each round, until 8 sts remain. Break yarn and draw through the remaining sts twice, pull tight and fasten off.
    Weave in ends and block.

    With a Fair Isle project, you are not finished until the piece is blocked. When you work with good wool like Mini Mochi, all the little ripples and puckers caused by stranding the yarn smooth out and your knitting becomes a beautiful, cohesive fabric.
    Start with a sink filled with lukewarm water and a few drops of a good wool wash. Gently submerge your hat and mittens and let them soak for 5 minutes or so. Drain the water and press the knitting against the side of the sink to squeeze out the excess water. DO NOT twist, wring or in any way abuse. Roll the knitting in a towel to remove even more water. Now shape the damp piece.
    For the mittens, lay them flat on a clean towel, patting and smoothing gently until they look perfect.
    For the hat, I like to block over a kitchen bowl that is the same circumference as my head to make a nice rounded crown. I put the bowl upside down over a tall vase, then smooth the hat over the top, stretching slightly if necessary. Leave the knitting to dry undisturbed out of the sun in a place with good air circulation.
    See? Isn’t that better?!

    Special thanks to Sandi Rosner for sharing her beautiful patterns with us.
    Watch for workshops and classes taught by Sandi at knitting events around the knitting world!

    copyright 2009 Crystal Palace Yarns/Straw Into Gold, Inc. - We are happy to share this free knitting pattern with knitters. The pattern may be used for non-commercial personal or knitting guild use. It is not to be used in any publication in print nor should it be reproduced in electronic/digital format without permission. Knitting shops carrying CP Yarns Mini Mochi are welcome to print and share this pattern with customers of our yarns. or write to:

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    Mini Mochi Ruffled Scarf
    A Free Scarf Pattern that uses only 1-2 balls of Mini Mochi

    See other free patterns
    using Mini Mochi HERE
    This scarf is soft and light with a ruffle on one edge. It is very easy to knit.
    1-2 balls Crystal Palace Mini Mochi (50 grams/195 yards)
    (sample shown was knit in color #121 “berry compote” with 1.5 balls)
    Crystal Palace Bamboo Needles Size 5 or 6 needles or size needed to obtain desired fabric
    (if you tend to knit tightly, use size 6)
    Finished size: approx. 4” X 54”

    Gauge: 11 sts = 4 inches in garter stitch
    (The gauge is not important, scarf can be loosely knit or snugly knit. Do a swatch to see what feel you would like.)

    k - knit, p – purl, yo – yarn over, k2tog – knit two sts together
    Beginning on the ruffle edge.
    Cast on 800 stitches loosely.
    Work 4 rows in St st (K rows 1 & 3, P rows 2 & 4)
    P row 5
    Dec row: K2tog all across row [400 sts]
    Work 4 rows of garter stitch (K all rows)
    2nd Dec row: k2tog all across row [200 sts]
    Eyelet row: K3, *K2, YO, K2tog* rep across entire length of scarf ending with a few K sts, 2-5).
    Cont to work rest of scarf in garter stitch to desired width of scarf or until almost out of yarn.
    Bind off loosely. (Use a larger needle (2 sizes larger than needle used for body of scarf) to bind off.
    Binding off too tightly causes edge to bow and be stiff.
    Wet scarf in warm water, roll in big towel and lay flat to dry. Block flat at approx. 4 inches width.

    Note: In my version I scattered eyelets along every 6-8 rows as I knit to make the scarf more airy. This is optional.
    If you want to place eyelets you place them every 5-10 sts apart by knitting a YO, k2tog in the garter stitch rows with 6-8 rows in between the eyelet rows.

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