Designed By Nicky Epstein
Designed By Nicky Epstein
Materials and Tools:Caron Dawn Sayelle, Art. A3075 (3 1/2 oz. skein); a yarn made of 100% Monsanto Acrylic Fiber
7 skeins #319 off white
4 skeins #410 Christmas green
3 skeins #406 Christmas red
knitting needles, #8 and circular needle #7, or size required to knit to gauge
large-eye yarn needle for embroidery
Size: About 42" x 54", including Border.
Gauge: 9 sts = 2" (stockinette stitch on #8 needles).
Notes: For check square, wind several balls each of Christmas green and off white; use a separate ball for each color section. Do not carry unused colors across; rather, drop unused color to wrong side and pick up when again needed on return row. When changing colors, always bring up new color from under dropped color to prevent holes.
Solid block:
Make 10. With #8 needles and off white, cast on 45 sts. Work in stockinette stitch (k on right side, p on wrong side) until 11" from beg. Bind off.
Make 30. With #8 needles and Christmas green, cast on 7 sts.
Row 1: K 3, yo, k 1, yo, k 3.
Row 2 and all even-numbered rows: Purl.
Row 3: K 4, yo, k 1, yo, k 4.
Row 5: K 5, yo, k 1, yo, k 5.
Row 7: Bind off 3 sts, k 2, yo, k 1, yo, k 6.
Row 8: Bind off 3 sts, p 8.
Row 9: Repeat Row 3.
Row 11: Repeat Row 5.
Row 13: Repeat Row 7.
Row 14: Repeat Row 8.
Row 15: Repeat Row 3.
Row 17: Repeat Row 5.
Row 19: Bind off 3 sts, k 9.
Row 20: Bind off 3 sts, p 6.
Row 21: K 2 tog, k 3, k 2 tog.
Row 23: K 2 tog, k 1, k 2 tog.
Row 25: Sl 1, k 2 tog, psso.Berries:
Make 50. With #8 needles and Christmas red, cast on 1 st. K into front and back of st until there are 5 sts on needle.
Beg with k row, work in stockinette stitch on 5 sts for 5 rows.
Next row: Pass 2nd, 3rd and 4th sts over first st. Tie off.
Check block:
Make 10. With #8 needles and off white, cast on 45 sts.
Row 1 (right side): Join Christmas green and k 15, join off white and k 15, join another ball of Christmas green and k 15.
Row 2 (wrong side): P 15 Christmas green, p 15 off white, p 15 Christmas green.
Row 3: K 15 green, 15 white, 15 green.
Row 4 through 20: Repeat Rows 2 and 3, ending with Row 2.
Row 21 (right side): K 15 off white, k 15 Christmas green, k 15 off white.
Row 22: P 15 white, p 15 green, k 15 white.
Row 23 through 40: Repeat Rows 21 and 22.
Rows 41 through 60: Beg with Row 3, repeat Rows 2 and 3. At end of last row, bind off.Finishing:
Solid blocks: With cast-on edge at bottom, arrange three leaves on each solid block-first leaf (with point facing down) should be about 1 1/4 inch from right-hand side edge and about 1 1/2 inches from bottom edge, second leaf about 1 1/2 inch from top edge and 3/4 inch from side edge; third leaf centered between. Sew leaves in place. Using large-eye yarn needle and one strand Christmas Green, embroider stems in place working either straight stitch or outline stitch. Arrange berries near tops of leaves and sew in place.
Assembling blocks: Alternating solid blocks and check blocks (with cast-on edge always at bottom), sew blocks together into a 4 x 5 block unit.
Edging: With circular needle #7 and Christmas red, cast on 2 sts.
Row 1: K 2.
Row 2: Yo, k 2.
Row 3: Yo, k 3.
Row 4: Yo, k 4.
Row 5: Yo, k 5.
Row 6: Yo, k 6.
Row 7: Yo, k 7.
Row 8: Yo, k 8.
Row 9: Yo, k 9.
Row 10: Yo, k 10.
Row 11: Yo, k 11.
Row 12: Yo, k 12-1 point completed. Cut yarn and leave finished point at center of needle. On same needle, cast on 2 sts and repeat Rows 1 through 12 to complete second point. Leaving all points on needle, continue working points until there are a total of 28 points. At end of last point, do not cut yarn. Turn and k across all points on needle-all points joined.
Next 2 Rows: K all sts. Weave sts across short end of afghan. Work another border of 28 points and weave across remaining short edge. For long edges of afghan, make two borders of 44 points each. Weave in place as before.