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Discussione: Raccolta modelli 0-3 anni

  1. #191
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  3. #193
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    Predefinito Maglietta maniche corte per bimba (Top down)

    Dal sito: Log In / Join the Lion Brand community to get free knitting and free crochet patterns and more! (è un modello free)Raccolta modelli 0-3 anni-lionbrandt-jpg

    Lacy Short Sleeved Sweater

    Lion Brand® Baby Wool

    19 sts + 26 rows = 4 in. (10 cm) in pattern. BE SURE TO CHECK YOUR GAUGE. When you match the gauge in a pattern, your project will be the size specified in the pattern and the materials specified in the pattern will be sufficient. If it takes you fewer stitches and rows to make a 4 in. [10 cm] square, try using a smaller size hook or needles; if more stitches and rows, try a larger size hook or needles.
    K1below (knit 1 in row below) An increase worked by knitting into the st directly under the next st on the left hand needle - 1 st increased. Note: Knitting 1 in the row below (k1below) will make a new st on your right hand needle, do NOT drop the st from your left hand needle.
    M1 (make 1) An increase worked by lifting the horizontal thread lying between needles and placing it onto left needle. Knit this new stitch through the back loop - 1 st increased.
    ssk (slip, slip, knit) Slip next 2 sts as if to knit, one at a time, to right needle; insert left needle into fronts of these 2 sts and knit them tog - 1 st decreased.
    1. Sweater is knit in one piece from the top down. The yoke (top portion of the sweater) is worked in a lacy pattern and the lower portion (body) is worked in k1, p1 ribbing. 2. The first 4 rows are knit back and forth on 2 straight needles (not the dpns) to make a center back neck slit, then the sts are joined and worked in the rnd on dpns.
    3. Stitch markers are used to mark increases and to separate reps of the lacy pattern. When working the lacy pattern, count your sts at the end of each row.
    4. When yoke is complete, stitches are bound off to create short, cap sleeves.
    Size 12-18 months (2-3 years)
    Size 4-5 years

    With straight needles, cast on 56 (56, 63) sts.
    Follow instructions below for the size you are making. Size 12-18 months ONLY
    Rows 1-4 are worked back and forth in rows.
    Row 1 (WS): Purl.
    Row 2 (RS, begin lace pattern): *K1, k2tog, yo, k1, yo, ssk, k1; rep from * to end of row.
    Row 3: Purl.
    Row 4: *K2tog, yo, k3, yo, ssk; rep from * to end of row.
    Divide sts onto 4 dpns.
    Place marker for beg of rnd and join by knitting the first st on left hand needle with the working yarn from the right hand needle and being careful not to twist sts.
    You will now be working in rnds.
    Rnd 1 (RS): Knit.
    Rnd 2 (Inc Rnd): *M1 (inc made), place marker (pm), k1, k2tog, yo, k1, yo, ssk, k1, k1below (inc made); rep from * to end of rnd - 72 sts at the end of this rnd.
    Note: Slip markers on every rnd.
    Rnd 3: Knit.
    Rnd 4: K to marker, *k2tog, yo, k3, yo, ssk, k to next marker; rep from * around.
    Rnd 5: Knit.
    Rnd 6: K to marker, *k1, k2tog, yo, k1, yo, ssk, k to next marker; rep from * around.
    Rnd 7-9: Rep Rnds 3-5.
    Next Rnd (Inc Rnd): *M1, k1, M1, k1, k2tog, yo, k1, yo, ssk, k1, M1, k1, k1below; rep from * to end of rnd - 104 sts.
    Next 7 Rnds: Rep Rnds 3-9.
    Next Rnd (Inc Rnd): *K1, M1, k2, M1, k1, k2tog, yo, k1, yo, ssk, k1, M1, k2, M1, k1; rep from * to end of rnd - 136 sts.
    Next 7 Rnds: Rep Rnds 3-9.
    Next Rnd (Inc Rnd): *K2, M1, k3, M1, k1, k2tog, yo, k1, yo, ssk, k1, M1, k3, M1, k2; rep from * to end of rnd - 168 sts.
    Next 7 Rnds: Rep Rnds 3-9.
    Next Rnd (Inc Rnd): *K3, M1, k4, M1, k1, k2tog, yo, k1, yo, ssk, k1, M1, k4, M1, k3; rep from * to end of rnd - 200 sts.
    Next 3 Rnds: Rep Rnds 3-5.
    Remove markers in last rnd.
    Now proceed to the instructions in the 'Body' section below to complete the Sweater.
    Size 2-3 years ONLY Work all rnds as given for Size 12-18 months, then work the following 2 rnds.
    Next Rnd (Inc Rnd): *K4, M1, k5, k2tog, yo, k3, yo, ssk, k5, M1, k4; rep from * to end of rnd - 216 sts.
    Next Rnd: Knit.
    Now proceed to the instructions in the 'Body' section below to complete the Sweater. Size 4-5 years ONLY
    Row 1 (WS):
    Row 2: *K2, k2tog, yo, k1, yo, ssk, k1; rep from * to end of row.
    Row 3: Purl.
    Row 4: *K1, k2tog, yo, k3, yo, ssk; rep from * to end of row.
    Divide sts onto 4 dpns.
    Place marker for beg of rnd.
    Join by working the first st on left hand needle with the working yarn from the right hand needle and being careful not to twist sts.
    You will now be working in rnds.
    Rnd 1 (RS): Knit.
    Rnd 2 (Inc Rnd): *K1, M1, place marker (pm), k1, k2tog, yo, k1, yo, ssk, k1, M1; rep from * to end of rnd - 80 sts at the end of this rnd.
    Note: Slip markers on every rnd.
    Rnd 3: Knit.
    Rnd 4: K to marker, *k2tog, yo, k3, yo, ssk, k to next marker; rep from * around.
    Rnd 5: Knit.
    Rnd 6: K to marker, *k1, k2tog, yo, k1, yo, ssk, k to next marker; rep from * around.
    Rnd 7-9: Rep Rnds 3-5.
    Next Rnd (Inc Rnd): *K1, M1, k1, M1, k1, k2tog, yo, k1, yo, ssk, k1, M1, k1, M1; rep from * to end of rnd - 112 sts.
    Next 7 Rnds: Rep Rnds 3-9.
    Next Rnd (Inc Rnd): *K2, M1, k2, M1, k1, k2tog, yo, k1, yo, ssk, k1, M1, k2, M1, k1; rep from * to end of rnd - 144 sts.
    Next 7 Rnds: Rep Rnds 3-9.
    Next Rnd (Inc Rnd): *K3, M1, k3, M1, k1, k2tog, yo, k1, yo, ssk, k1, M1, k3, M1, k2; rep from * to end of rnd - 176 sts.
    Next 7 Rnds: Rep Rnds 3-9.
    Next Rnd (Inc Rnd): *K4, M1, k4, M1, k1, k2tog, yo, k1, yo, ssk, k1, M1, k4, M1, k3; rep from * to end of rnd - 208 sts.
    Next 7 Rnds: Rep Rnds 3-9.
    Next Rnd (Inc Rnd): *K5, M1, k5, M1, k1, k2tog, yo, k1, yo, ssk, k1, M1, k5, M1, k4; rep from * to end of rnd - 240 sts.
    Next Rnd: Knit, removing markers as you come to them.
    Now proceed to the instructions in the 'Body' section below to complete the Sweater. Body
    In the next rnd, sts are bound-off for cap sleeves.
    Dividing Rnd: Pm (to mark new beg of rnd), k25 (27, 30) for first half of Back, bind off 50 (54, 60) for sleeve, k50 (54, 60) for Front, bind off 50 (54, 60) for sleeve, k25 (27, 30) for rem of Back - 100 (108, 120) sts remaining for body at the end of this rnd.
    Next Rnd: Working on the 100 (108, 120) Body sts only, *k1, p1; rep from * around.
    Rep last rnd until piece measures 5 1/2 (6, 7) in. (14 (15, 18) cm) from Dividing Rnd. Bind off all sts in rib. FINISHING
    Sleeve Edging
    Rnd 1:
    From RS, with dpns, pick up and k50 (54, 60) sts evenly spaced around one sleeve. Place marker for beg of rnd.
    Next 4 Rnds: *K1, p1; rep from * around.
    Bind off. Rep around second sleeve. Buttonloop
    Cast on 9 sts. Without working any rows, bind off all 9 sts, to make a narrow strip.
    Fold strip in half and sew to left back (the left back as Sweater is worn) at the top of the neck slit to make buttonloop.
    Sew button opposite buttonloop.
    Weave in ends.

    Marina :maglia:
    E' importante non limitarsi ad aiutare qualcuno per dovere o per diletto.
    Se lo si fa con amore e compassione, con un sorriso e con parole gentili,
    si procura di certo una gioia agli altri.
    L'atto in se stesso può sembrare identico,ma i benefici che esso comporta sono infinitamente superiori.
    (Dalai Lama)

  4. I seguenti 6 utenti ringraziano marinasmn per questa discussione:

    cinzia62 (11-11-2011), deborah (05-10-2011), Lucianaperugini (25-10-2011), mammagiulietta (05-10-2011), tilly (05-10-2011)

  5. #194
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    Lapon, 18 mois-2 ans - Créations en ligne spiegaz e chart della lavorazione scaricabili qui
    Difficcoltà media per chi sa lavorare il jacquard, scalfo dritto, si alvora tutto in un pezzo fino al punto dello scalfo manica.
    Maglia rasata, coste 1/1, e legaccio , taglie 18 mesi e 2 anni

    2 gomitoli di lana per ferri 3mm circa 180 m x 50 gr per il colore di fondo
    6 colori differenti circa 1 gomitolo per colore o anche avanzi circa 30 gr per colore
    ferri dritti 3mm e 3,5 mm
    bottoni 5-6

  6. I seguenti 2 utenti ringraziano Lo Staff per questa discussione:

    cinzia62 (11-11-2011), madani (25-01-2018)

  7. #195
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    ho trovato questo sito molto carino si chiama Il libro di modelli della nonna

    Grandmother’s Pattern Book » Knit One Piece Baby Sweater

    Baby’s sweater is knit in one piece! Start at the lower back, cast on for sleeves, and finish at lower front.
    SIZE: Infants’.
    Fits Chest: Up to 19″.
    Baby wool or baby nylon, 3 ply, three ounces.
    Knitting needles No.3. (Or English size 10.)
    GAUGE: 15 sts = 2″; 11″ rows = 1″.
    Beg at lower edge, cast on 72 sts. Work in garter st (knit every row) for 8 rows (4 ridges). Keeping 6 sts at each side edge in garter st, work in stockinette st (k 1 row, p 1 row) for 8 rows.
    Discontinue garter st borders, work in stockinette st on all sts for 36 rows, ending p row. Piece measures 4 1/2″ from start.
    Shape Sleeves: Next Row: Cast on 50 sts at beg of row, k to end of row, cast on 50 sts at end of row-172 sts. Work as follows:
    Rows 1 and 3 (wrong side): K 14 (cuff), p across to last 14 sts, k 14 (cuff).
    Rows 2 and 4 (right side): Knit.
    Row 5: Repeat row 1.
    Short Rows: * K across to last 14 sts, turn; sl 1, p across to last 14 sts, turn; sl 1, k to end of row, turn. k 14 cuff sts, p to last 14 sts, k 14 cuff sts. Repeat from * 6 times more.
    Back Neckband: ** K across to last 14 sts, turn; sl 1; p 45, k 52 for neckband, p 46, turn; sl 1, k to end of row, turn; k 14 cuff sts, p 46, k 52 neckband sts, p 46, k 14 cuff sts. Repeat from ** once more.
    Shape Neck and Front Neckband: K across to last 14 sts, turn; sl 1, p 45, k 6, bind off in k next 40 sts for back of neck, k until 6 sts from bound-off sts, p 46, turn; sl 1, k 51, cast on 40 sts for front of neck, k to end of row, turn; k 14 cuff sts, p 46, k 52 neckband sts, p 46, k 14 cuff sts. Work from first ** to 2nd ** of Back Neckband twice.
    FRONT: Work from first * to 2nd * of Short R as for back 7 times in all. Work as follows:
    Rows 1 and 3 (right side): Knit all sts.
    Rows 2 and 4: K 14 cuff sts, p across to last 14 sts, k 14 cuff sts.
    Next Row: Bind off in k 50 sts, k to end of row.
    Next Row: Bind off in p next 50 sts, p to end of row
    Continue in stockinette st (k 1 row, p 1 row) for 36 rows. Work as follows:
    Rows 1, 3, 5, 7 (right side): Knit.
    Rows 2, 4, 6, 8: K 6, p across to last 6 sts, k 6. Then work in garter st on all sts for 8 rows. Bind off.
    FINISHING: Sew sleeve and side seams, leaving garter st borders at lower edge of sides open for side slits. Steam-press lightly.

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