The economy of Roccaforte del
Greco(R.C.) Italy
The wealth of Roccaforte of the Greek boschiva dall’industria
drift and from the attivita’ connected. Much practical
one is also the pastorizia. The local production of latticini
is between lemigliori of the zone.
Rinomato is the canestrato one:
It can be produced with latte ovine, goat, vaccine or compound.
Normally it has a cylindrical shape with barefoot of 7,
8 centimeters and diameter of 17, 20; the varied weight
from 1 to 2 chili. When the stagionatura is adapted, the
crust has compact structure with variable color from the
yellow-tawny one to the intense gray and is very visible
the deriving striature the characteristics to fascere of
giunco interlaced used in the working. The sentori that
this cheese can recall (remaining, in any case, strongly
legacies dell’animale all’alimentazione and
to the stagionatura) rifare herbaceous notes, of underbrush,
flowers and citruses; the taste is delicate, plus piccante
to advanced maturation, of discreet palatabilità
and length. To times, before producing the canestrato one,
part of the curd juncata, other traditional calabrian cheese
is transformed in.
L’attivita’ agricultural, also present on the
territory, it does not succeed alone in lenire l’annosa
plague of juvenile unemployment. Elevated it is, in fact,
the number of the families that are forced to move to Melito
Port But and Reggio Calabria, or, that they must emigrate
in the countries of the north. Only source of retribuito
yield comes from the Forest Company of the Calabria region,
where the assumptions, of new levers, are blocked from far
away 1981.
Many expectations were riposte on the institution of the
agency, "National Park of the Aspromonte" and
on costruenda the dam of the "Mint":
to tutt' today, although, all the immense communal territory,
makes part of the park, the only facilities had from the
residents is the prohibition sets up from such institute;
from the dam instead, eccezion made of little assumed persons,
for short period of time (today it vacates to you), not
you e' be some other benefit for the country.
In country they live above all pensions to you. Little the
attivita’ it trades them, small botteghe above all