The cascades of Maesano in Roccaforte
del Greco (R.C.) Italy
To falled dell’Amendolea, known notes also like cascades
of Maesano, us puo’ to approach in car until the dam
of the Mint. Here, just close to the yard, sara’ necessary
to park and to begin the way coming down towards the confluence
of the torrent Mint with fiumara the Amendolea. To follow
the course d’acqua on the left side until one fontanelle.
From it leave one here track. Covering this new well-trodden
path it is necessary to go up until a bifurcation where
dovra’ to svoltare to right. Between exemplary of
pines and faggi it begins the reduction that arrives until
the course l’acqua for, then, to recommence to inerpicarsi
until a spiazzo natural that watches on the dell’Amendolea
valley. In distance it is looked at also l’abitato
of Roccaforte of the Greek. To questopunto, following a
recinzione in spinato thread, fold on the left where begins
a franoso feature rather.
The distance is pushed between folta a vegetation of pines
and passes for one small source. Gia’ the cascades
can be seen partially. Continuing still, always with eye
to the filospinato one and making attention the franoso
land, here finally the panoramic point from which observing
the three well it knows to you del’Amendolea. For
who it wants to continue, steep reduction is necessary to
face one on the left in order to catch up the bed of the
fiumara. From enough going back still a po’ here;
and it is arrived to the small lake to the feet of the cascade.
In the three pools in which one deposits l’acqua after
the jump in summer many they take a bath. Attention, pear
tree, why the cliff is particularly slippery. A paiodi kilometri
piu’ under regarding the dam of the Mint there are,
instead, the Linnha cascades.
The photos of cascades:
dell'Amendolea jpg1;
2)Cascate di Maesano jpg2;
dell'Amendolea jpg3; 4)Cascate
di Maesano jpg4;
dell'Amendolea jpg5; 6)Cascate
di Maesano jpg6;
inizia la pesca di trote ; 8)Ma
l' avra' pescata?
stavo scherzavo!"; 10)Gaetano
si, che la ha presa!
toto',come si pesca!"; 12)Cascate
di Maesano jpg12;
dell'Amendolea jpg; 14)Cascate
di Maesano jpg14;
dell'Amendolea jpg; 16)Cascate
di Maesano jpg16;
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