Gonfalone ROCCAFORTE DEL GRECO Gonfalone   
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Center mounts of particular naturalistic interest, is situated on the southern depositor dell’Aspromonte, along the course of fiumara the Amendolea. It makes part of the so-called “Comunità Ellenofona di grecanica Calabria”.Il dell’area country is found to 971 meters on the sea level. It has a territory that extends for 54,03 Kmq and confines with the common ones of Reggio Calabria, Bagaladi, Condofuri, Cardeto, Saint Lorenzo, S. Eufemia d’Aspromonte, Roghudi, Stefano Saint in Aspromonte, Sinopoli and Scilla. It tos be distant 62 km from Reggio Calabria.

Italiano The TOWN HALL And ITS MAYORS English version


Common of Roccaforte del Greco Greek and its mayors (R.C.) Italy


Population resident : 805
Density for Kmq : 14,9
Males : 391
Females : 414
Number Families : 295
Number Rooms : 359
Denomination Inhabitants : roccafortesi

Fractions: Ghorio di Roccaforte (deserted)

Comunita’ montana:
Southern jonico depositor (center to Melito Port But)

Main roads and public squares:
Provincial way, Via Rome, Via Manzoni, Dante, Sgro’ public square;, public square Saint Spirit, Mark public square Peter Perpiglia

Forces dell’ordine:
Municipal police, Police officers

Diffuse last names piu:
Hundreds, Iaria, Palamara, Pangallo, Pitasi, Romeo

C.A.P: 89060

Teleselettivo Prefisso: 0965
Istat Code : 080066

Code cadastre : H408


1946-50 Suitable Pangallo
1950-54 Carmelo Nucera
1954-55 Suitable Pangallo
1955-58 Albertino Sergi
1958-62 Filippo Arcidiaco
1963-64 Domenico Iaria
1965-66 Suitable Pangallo
1966-68 Filippo Arcidiaco
1969 Antonio Tripodi
1970-73 Mark Gulli’
1974-79 Francisco Sgro’
1979-88 Antonio Maesano
1988-90 Vincenzo Gulli
1990 Antonio Morisani (commissioner prefettizio)
1991 Giuseppe Attina’
1991-92 Paul Morisani (commissioner prefettizio)
1993-96 Andrea Mafrica
1996-98 Paul Morisani, Maria Niccolo’ Grace;, Alexander Pentimaili
(extraordinary commission)
1998-2000 Gianfranco Ielo (commissioner frefettizio
2000-2003 Mark Gulli’
2003 Lucciardello, Fichera, Cacciola, (extraordinary commissioners)

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Le The cascades of the Amendolea or Maesano
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